Four Religious Journeys

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This essay will examine four movies based on four different religions, and the corresponding journeys to faith within each film. The first film is titled OMG: Oh My God which is about the Hindu faith; Secondly, we have a movie highlighting Buddhism titled Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring; The third movie we are looking at is an anime titled Princess Mononoke which tells a Shintoism story; Lastly, a movie showing a Jewish community’s lives titled Kadosh. Religious quests vary from religion to religion and person to person. The five main reasons people quest for religion are a purpose, self-fulfillment, forgiveness, tradition, and fear.

Hinduism is a very outgoing and cheerful religion with many colorful aspects of worship. Their religious quest, just like many other religions is a lifetime journey, not just the …show more content…

A pilgrimage is a journey for moral or spiritual significance. In Hinduism, the religious pilgrimage is very important. This pilgrimage involves traveling to several different holy sites or temples. However, this is not the journey we are focused on. The real journey of significance is the one people go on day to day. In the movie OMG: Oh My God, we see the main character, Kanji Lalji Mehta discover faith in the Hindu religion after adamantly being an atheist. His journey began with a downfall, he lost everything he had (including his store, family, and house), and the community tried to drive him away for being a non-believer. This being the lowest point in his life, he was forced to look for a purpose, self-fulfillment, forgiveness from others (and from God), and ways to go back to his old traditions: this was based out of fear of never having these things again. Kanji Lalji Mehta was already immersed in the culture, having lived there all his life and was married with children who were based in the Hindu faith, but he needed to look from the outside in to discover the true meaning of the

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