Four Major Revolutions

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In the origins of sociology there are four major revolutions, which are all related to western societies. As each revolution changes it has many new ideas that rise out of it, but it also has some old ones that will fall. For example as the first agricultural revolution was happening it was creating the rise of the idea of surplus in food. Then as time goes on the idea of surplus is still there, it is just old news now. This is because things like villages had started to form due to advances in agricultural and no longer having to be nomadic. Out of villages come new ideas, like social classes and commercialism. When changes are made to society it creates new rises, and with the new rises there come falls of things that once were held important to the society. Within every revolution there are certain social factors that have an impact on their making. All of the revolutions social systems are connected interdependently, so as ones social factors change it then relates to the next changes to come. For the agricultural revolution some social factors that are related to it are things like community factors. Now with the development of cities in this age more people are living close together. Those people can then share ideas with one another, which then creates even more new social factors. Another one would be the domestication of animals, …show more content…

The Catholic Church was in charge of most of the western people. They also pair artists to work for the church, but at this time the artists had to paint what the church wanted. This led to few new ideas being shared. During this time period life was centralized around the church, but other things were still happening. For instance, the merchant class was very dominant during this revolution. They did a lot of exploring around the world, which started new experiments and theories that would shatter the church’s grasp on people in the next

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