Fossil Fuels Essay

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The world's fossil fuels are running out. With the average amount of time it takes for coal to form being 300 billion years, the earth can only renew them so fast. Fossil fuels, like coal and oil take the earth billions of years to reproduce so an effective alternate energy source must be explored. Fossil fuels or crude oil has been around for a long time and can be refined to form a number of products such as gas, gasoline, kerosene, gas oil or diesel. We are also running out of oil which is also a non-renewable resource. According to, if we continue to consume fossil fuels like this, they will run out by approximately 2088. The use of fossil fuels is also dangerous to the environment. Burning coal and oil produces smog and greenhouse gasses but despite the environmental risks and the fact that they are going to run out, we humans continue to use them. Why? You might ask. The simple answer is because they are cheap easy to get and effective. The harsh reality is that no alternative fuel can match the efficiency of coal and oil. In this paper we will compare the efficiency of renewable resources to the efficiency of oil and coal.
Fossil fuels have been humans best friend for a while. I guess you could call it a worldwide addiction. We have been told that they hurt the environment. The effects of using fossil fuels are now becoming more evident. One very obvious effect is the melting ice caps. As evident as they are, people are still finding it hard to leave fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are cheap, easy to obtain and efficient. The truth of the matter is, no renewable energy can match the efficiency of fossil fuels.
Alternative fuel is any other way of producing power or electricity without using fossil fuels. Some...

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...he slow but visible effects it has on the environment. No renewable energy source has matched the efficiency of coal and that is precisely why people prefer the ease of just flicking on the light switch without even understanding where it came from. In order to make the switch we will need to look at everything in the long term. It might be costly at first, but making the switch will be cheap in the long run. Nuclear energy for one has proven to have a promising future. Nuclear power today provides us with cheap electricity. It also helps expand the making of drugs and the equipment in the medical field. Now imagine if we had more plants. Approximately 10,000 plants would be needed to replace all the fossil plants. Perhaps instead of trying to replace fossil fuels with one alternative, we could use all of them. That way we would need a little power from each source.

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