Fortune Favors the Bold

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Roman Military
The Roman Military was one of the most successful and powerful military’s in history. Their strength, organization, and size gave them the necessities they needed to make winning battles possible for the Roman Military. Being a very organized force to be reckoned with, the Roman Military was indeed one of the greatest military’s of all time.
Specifically, the Roman Military were known mainly for staying step ahead of their opponents. “The core of Rome’s military strength lay in the professionalism of their heavy infantry. A force that was organized and recognized as it evolved and adapted to survive the assaults of its mortal enemies, and conquer the Western world.” [The Roman Military] The Roman Military reacted quickly enough to their threats to be able to concentrate on areas where they were the least able to defend themselves. The military gave very limited social mobility, even though they were very interactive with civilians of their cities and influenced politics of the time period. There was very harsh disciplinary orders at times when soldiers would step out of line or be disrespectful, however the Roman Military did provide their with basic necessities of life and would dock their pay from the emperors.
Roman soldiers were recruits around the ages of eighteen and twenty years old. Enrolled soldiers were sometimes even slaves that the emperor bought. Soldiers came from all over the Roman Empire. Citizen soldiers would be only enrolled for a specific amount of time, instead of being enrolled for years of service of the Imperial period. “Roman soldiers had to carry their own weapons, food, and camping and sleeping equipment. They often had to march up to twenty miles a day carrying all this so it was impo...

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...r. Beneath him cam six military tribunes: pilus prior, princeps prior, hastus prior, pilus posterior, priceps posterior, and hastus posterior ( ranked highest to lowest ). Being the top commander meant that he was in control of the other six military tribunes, so it was one of the biggest jobs of the Roman Military.
The Roman Military had many advantages and disadvantages for their time of wars. Their strategies, weapons, and force is what made them the very best at what they did. The Romans were very smart people. Hence the reason why their military was one of the most powerful militaries of all times.

Works Cited

Militay, Anctient . "The Roman Military." (2007): Lloyd, James. “Roman Army.” ( 30 April 2013):
Hadrins. “Roman Soldiers.” (2001):

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