Foreshadowing In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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In the short novella Of mice and men, the author John Steinbeck uses countless examples of foreshadowing for the readers to make predictions on what might happen later on in the story. With the help of background details and context clues, Steinbeck was able to foreshadow that George and Lennie’s dream would not come true, Lennie and Curley would get into a major fight, and that Lennie would be killed.
John Steinbeck sets a goal for Lennie and George that is unrealistic in the novella Of mice and men. Readers can predict that George and Lennie will not be able to conquer their dreams of having their own ranch. One way that Steinbeck leads foreshadowing into the novella Of Mice and Men is by writing this quote, "O.K. Someday- we're

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