Forensic Clinical Nurse Specialist Essay

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Forensic Clinical Nurse Specialist My career exploration has been an exciting discovery of different things that I did not know about my career choice. I chose Forensic Clinical Nurse Specialist because of the interest I have always had with crimes and how did they discovery who did the crime. Most of the shows I watch on television involves these type of mysterious such as CSI, Criminal Minds, and Law and Order Criminal Intent. I have to complete a lot of college work and obtain some work experience to practice in this field. Pursuing this career there are a few things I have to do such as attend college for nursing, complete all necessary coursework that will transfer for to a university to obtain a Master 's degree, and before going into …show more content…

I chose Forensics because of the interest I have always had in how they discover what was the cause of death and how they determined who did the crime if it was even a crime. Forensic Nursing has many roles in the healthcare field and in the criminal justice field. The Forensic Nurse helps investigate crimes like sexual and physical assault, and accidental deaths. Forensic Nurses are responsible for medical evidence collection and help interpret any signs of foul play. Their job is very detail oriented and sometimes requires them to testify in the court as an expert witness. Becoming a Forensic Nurse has two options such as attend a general nurse school that offers courses in forensic nursing then graduate and take a certification test to become a FRN, or become a nurse, work a few years in general medicine, and then specialize in forensics. The requirement before getting a job as a forensic nurse is still a need to become a clinical nurse and there are some colleges that offer a PhD in forensic programs. Jose Fermoso stated in his article that " The median salary for a forensic nurse is $39/hour, or $81,800/year, with the bottom 10% of nurses making around $50,000/year and the top 10% making around $140,000/year"

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