Forensic Biology

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Within the broader context of crime scene investigation, forensic biologists play the role of collecting and analyzing biological evidence in order to decipher exactly what happened at the scene of the crime, and who was involved (Forensic Biologist, n.d.; Forensic Science, n.d.). Much of the evidence collected by forensic biologists consists of both ecological and biological matter, including but not limited to: dirt, blood, teeth, insects, fingerprints, and saliva (A Simplified Guide to Forensic Science, n.d.; Forensic Biologist, n.d.). These samples undergo extensive laboratory testing, which requires expertise in the proper handling of highly advanced and delicate technologies (Forensic Biologist, n.d.). In addition to participating in heavy amounts of lab work, forensic biologists are also expected to prepare reports of their findings and are sometimes requested to appear in court in order to further discuss these findings (Forensic Biologist, n.d.; Forensic Science, n.d.). Nearly every strand of hair, semblance of a footprint, and notch in the pavement left at the scene of a crime has the potential to be the critical point of affirmation that changes everything. Because of this, forensic biologists must arrive at the scene ready to collect any number of diverse traces of evidence. Tools of the trade include blood collection kits, sifting screens, glass vials, forensic light sources, brushes, and cameras (Equipment Needed for Crime Scene Investigation, n.d.). Back at the lab, equipment utilized to examine the evidence includes microscopes, centrifuges, chemical developers, and x-ray fluorescence (A Simplified Guide to Forensic Science, n.d.). Obviously, most of the aforementioned tools are not mere household items that vir... ... middle of paper ... ... reinforces the importance of detail. Possessing a keen eye for detail is of the utmost importance in this profession, just as it is in the process of composing a story. A crime scene is a narrative waiting to be unearthed, and it is incredibly rewarding to have the skills to do so. Works Cited A Simplified Guide to Forensic Science. (n.d.). Forensic Science Simplified. Retrieved from Equipment Needed for Crime Scene Investigation. (n.d.). National Institute of Justice. Retrieved from Forensic Biologist. (n.d.). Retrieved from Forensic Science. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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