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Optimality in foraging
Optimality in foraging
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In this lab, we explore the theory of optimal foraging and the theory of central place foraging using beavers as the model animal. Foraging refers to the mammalian behavior associated with searching for food. The optimal foraging theory assumes that animals feed in a way that maximizes their net rate of energy intake per unit time (Pyke et al. 1977). An animal may either maximize its daily energy intake (energy maximizer) or minimize the time spent feeding (time minimizer) in order to meet minimum requirements. Herbivores commonly behave as energy maximizers (Belovsky 1986) and accomplish this maximizing behavior by choosing food that is of high quality and has low-search and low-handling time (Pyke et al. 1977). The central place theory is used to describe animals that collect food and store it in a fixed location in their home range, the central place (Jenkins 1980). The factors associated with the optimal foraging theory also apply to the central place theory. The central place theory predicts that retrieval costs increase linearly with distance of the resource from the central place (Rockwood and Hubbell 1987). Central place …show more content…
Since beavers are energy maximizers (Jenkins 1980, Belovsky 1984) and central place feeders (McGinley and Whitam 1985), they make an excellent test animal for the optimal foraging theory. Beavers eat several kinds of herbaceous plants as well as the leaves, twigs, and bark of most species of woody plants that grow near water (Jenkins and Busher 1979). By examining the trees that are chewed or not-chewed in the beavers' home range, an accurate assessment of food preferences among tree species may be gained (Jenkins 1975). The purpose of this lab was to learn about the optimal foraging theory. We wanted to know if beavers put the optimal foraging theory into action when selecting
“Why the Beaver Should Thank the Wolf” by Mary Ellen Hannibal, explains the impact wolves carry if they are ever extinct. Hannibal uses scientific data to explain to the audience the important a wolf has in the wild. Hannibal points out how fragile the food chain is, and when one player is out the who system tumbles down. Hannibal connects the action of the wolves in the wild and how it trickles down the food chain.
Hansen, R. L., Carr, M. M., Apanavicius, C. J., Jiang, P., Bissell, H. A., Gocinski, B. L., Maury, F., Himmelreich, M., Beard, S., Ouellette, J. R. and Kouba, A. J. (2010), Seasonal shifts in giant panda feeding behavior: relationships to bamboo plant part consumption. Zoo Biology, 29: 470–483.
In 1927, Charles Elton took niche theory a step further and included food. He defined the niche of an animal as its place in the biotic environment and its relations to food and enemies (Elton, 1927). Grinnell also wondered if food was a limiting factor to the California Thrasher’s niche, but since the bird is omnivorous, it could find food in other habitats such as a forest floor or a meadow. There had to be other factors that restricted the bird to the chaparral bushes (Grinnel, 1917). Elton believes that the niche of an animal can be defined by its size and its food habits. It is important to study niches because it enables ecologists to see how different animal communities may resemble each other in the essentials of organization (Elton, 1927). For example, in a forest there could be a niche of owls that feeds on small animals such as rats. This same carnivore niche is filled with kestrels in the open grasslands. This carnivore niche is then dependent on the small animals in the herbivore niche (Elton, 1927). Hutchinson also discusses niche theory in his “Concluding Remarks” paper. His theory seems to combine some of the ideas
"Eating is not only a political act but also a cultural act that reaffirms one's identity and worldview." (Salmón, 2012, p. 8). It is the statement from the book Eating the Landscape: American Indian Stories of Food, Identity, and Resilience that reflects the author’s main idea. The book is a cultural and geographical travel through the southwest part of the United States of America and northern Mexico. In his book, the author is focused on demonstrating the world of indigenous food and accentuates some direct connections between this food, the culture of people and understanding of the environment that surrounds them.
Deborah L. Duffy, Yuying Hsu, James A. Serpell ,Applied Animal Behavior Science - 1 December 2008 (Vol. 114, Issue 3, Pages 441-460, DOI: 10.1016/j.applanim.2008.04.006)
The Bald Eagle is at the top of it’s food chain as a tertiary consumer. It
Ranging from animals in the present time- lions, pigs, ants, otters, apes, poultry, mantis, spiders, scorpions, mice, etc., to approximately 100,000 years ago with the early humans, Neanderthals, to the beginning of the Mesozoic Era with possibly the first dinosaur, Coelophysis (Bossel et al 2001, Defleur et al 1999). The reasons for resorting to cannibalism vary according with their environment. Some animals resort to cannibalism for survival needs, ritual activities, or protecting their territory. This essay will look at animals that engaged in cannibalism across a large geological time scale.
Gardner, Christopher. Notes from the Doc Talks. Stanford University. Web. April 10, 2014. Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York:
Pollan gives another well-addressed argument to his readers concerning the gap between humans and their prey. He portrays our society as far from nature and that meat in grocery stores is made to look “as little like parts of animals as possible” (Pollan 307). To back his ideas, Pollan quotes “Why Look at Animals” by John Berger which explains how when consumers make eye contact with their prey, this builds a relationship between the two causing the predator to consume their meat without looking away (Pollan 307). This causes that person to not want to know what they are eating because people are used to not knowing what they are eating. If a non-fiction book was only filled with facts, readers would quickly lose interest and not want to read it.
Birds follow and clean up after herbivores. And so during their turn in the p...
Elizabeth Cashdan addresses the question of territoriality among human forager groups, specifically comparing four Bushman groups. She argues that territoriality should occur only in places where the benefits will outweigh the costs. Introducing the scientific definition of territoriality in animals, she first claims that animals tend to be the most territorial when they have adequate food and other resources. It is when there is a severe lack of or abundance of resources that animals are not territorial. With a lack of food, territoriality tends to waste too much energy. In the case of an abundance of food, it is not worth defending that which is plentiful for animals. She points out predictability as another environmental factor: if a resource is unpredictable, then it is not economical to defend it. It is only worthwhile to defend a territory if there is high probability that the resources will still be available when they are wanted. However, the costs and benefits of being territorial not only depend on the environment, but also on the species and its characteristics.
Pollan, Michael. The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals. New York: The Penguin Press, 2006. Print.
The project at Yellowstone was met with some apprehension. Biologists there feared that without the fear of predation during the past few generations, the resident moose at Yellowstone would not fear the wol...
Many people nowadays try to be conscious of their impacts on the environment, but what if one of the main contributors of environmental destruction was something that the vast majority of people contribute to everyday, without even realizing the detrimental effects it has on the environment? In conversations about lessening one’s personal environmental impacts, some common points are using renewable energy, recycling, taking shorter showers, and not littering. While these are great steps to take, one subject rarely thoroughly discussed is one’s consumption of animal products. Switching to more sustainable meat is suggested by numerous environmental organizations, but
Hunting has been a necessity for life since the start of time. Hunting was needed to feed family’s day in and day out. But in the twenty first century, Americans have evolved so hunting is not really as big of an obligation as it was in previous generations. Americans have learned to contain specific animals, such as cows, pigs and chickens, farmers then raise them and harvest them for their meat. But in some rural areas of the United States, it is a completely different aspect. Individuals who live in areas such as Alaska, Montana, and The Dakotas don’t have a local grocery store to buy their T-bone steak or ground beef. These individuals have to hunt for their meat in order to survive. Each hunter may have their own individual techniques; they may hunt for specific big or small game animals and use basic or more complex techniques. All of their different techniques come back to the basic techniques used for hunting. But all of the separate hunters have the same common goal, and that is to survive.