For Your Own Good by Alice Miller

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Alice Miller
“I see it as my task to sensitize the general public to the sufferings of early childhood,” Alice Miller (1983) wrote in her book, For Your Own Good, ( p. xv). This one sentence accurately describes Miller’s life’s work. Alice Miller had unparalleled compassion for children and absolutely no tolerance for their maltreatment. She wrote many books and articles on the subject of child rearing and its impact on society. Miller is also known for her outspoken views on religion and its impact on children’s psyches. She used the term “Poisonous pedagogy” in many of her writings to refer to the toxic forms of child rearing that have been employed as far back as can be remembered.
Alice Miller lived in Europe during Adolf Hitler’s reign, and the atrocities that he is infamous for had a profound impact on her life and work. Many of her writings include information on Hitler’s childhood as well as speculation on how he would have been different if he had been raised in a loving environment. In fact, Miller (1983) did extensive research on Hitler’s childhood and best summed it up with the phrase: “When Hitler was grown and came to power, he was finally able to avenge himself a thousand fold” (p.196).
Miller’s work however, was not confined solely to Hitler. In an article for The Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, she was quoted as speculating that extreme damage can be done to abused children if they try to obey the fourth commandment, to “Honor thy father and thy mother”. She believed this was not possible without repressing and detaching from their true emotions regarding their parents and the abuse they had suffered at their hands (Elkins, 2013, p. 149). This concept along with her break from conventional F...

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Demause, L. (2011). Alice Miller Dies at 87. Journal of Psychohistory, 289. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete.

Elkins, K. (2013). Biblical Studies and Childhood Studies: A Fertile, Inerdisciplinary
Space for Feminists. Journal Of Feminist Studies In Religion, 29(2), 146-153. doi:10.2979/jfemistudreli.29.2.146. Merkin, D. (2002). If Only Hitler’s Father Had Been Nicer: According to Alice Miller, the world’s troubles can be traced back to tormented childhoods. New York Times
Book Review, 13. Retrieved from ProQuest Research Library.

Miller, A. (2000). Against spanking. Tikkun, 15, 17-19. Retrieved from
ProQuest Research Library.

Miller, A. (1983). For Your Own Good. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Ltd.

Miller, A. (2013). Selective Amnesia. The American Scholar, 82(3), 6-9. Retrieved from ProQuest Research Library.

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