Footprint Fighting: St John Fisher College

870 Words2 Pages


At St John Fisher College is frequently going under adjustments. The College must ensure a strong surroundings plan. With students anticipated to enrol in 2015, so this is important to make the buildings


Sustainability is the quality of not being harmful to the environment of depending on natural resources and there by supporting long term ecological balance.

Ecological footprint measures what we consume of nature. It shows how much we use to produce all resources we consume and to handle the entire waist we make.

Research Methods

During this process the research methods used were brainstorming alternatives for the school, investigation of primary sources and the Internet. Brainstorming ideas for the alternatives meant going around the school observing what can be improved and taking photographs of the evidence collecting most of my evidence and using the evidence as primary sources. The Internet also helped with my survey for I used survey monkeys. The internet gave me a vast amount of my information and helped me with my report. The survey that I had had given out for students, teachers, and adults to marked was designed form survey monkey. The survey was used to show who requests the school to be ecologically sustainable by having either blinds or tinted windows and tell what’s issues there were.

Primary sources

The primary sources used were the survey that was designed so the public decided what was best, blinds or tinted windows. Another primary source was the photos that were taken of around the school to show what was needed to change. The secondary sources used are the reviews, articles and internet sources this gave all the information on how to build green and coast of the al...

... middle of paper ...

...sses around St John Fisher.

Works Cited

BuildingGreen, Inc., 2013. Building Green. [Online]

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Fitzgerald, J., 2012. Bamboo Blinds. [Online]

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IBE, n.d. Building Biology & Ecological. [Online]

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The Tint Professor, 2012. Tint Professor. [Online]

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Tint Direct, 2011. Tint Direct. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 4 March 2013].

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