Food Sovereignty In Canada

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According to Food Secure Canada, food sovereignty is “the right of peoples to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems” (Nyéléni Village, Sélingué, Mali, 2007). Food sovereignty prioritizes local and national economies/markets and empowers local producers (Nyéléni Village, Sélingué, Mali, 2007). It promotes transparency in trade that assures fair pay to all parties and the rights of consumers to control their food and nutrition (Nyéléni Village, Sélingué, Mali, 2007). Improving food literacy through school curriculum and programs can enhance the general public's awareness and understanding of the food system and its injustices. In addition, communities may use the school to….? , thus promoting food sovereignty in Canada. This is significant as food related initiatives can provide students with the knowledge and tools to be key players in changing and controlling food production, and determining food policy, instead of letting the responsibility fall strictly on the government or politicians (Widener & Karides, 2014). Lack of civic participation in decisions regarding food control, food production and food policy can be largely attributed to inadequate food literacy skills of a community and more specifically lack of knowledge of the …show more content…

It found that school programs increased food sovereignty through “two main mechanisms: advocacy for institutional procurement of local and sustainable foods and mobilizing food literacy for increased public engagement with issues of social justice and equity in food systems” (Powell & Wittman,

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