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Essays on political parties
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Followed My Star is a non-fictional novel written by AR Annahita. a novel that explores the author's philosophy on what will bring world peace. This novel is the third installment in the Followed My Star series. Readers ca read this novel without reading the prior two. AR Annahita is an Iranian immigrant who now resides in America. She works as a photography, writer and philosopher. Annahita offers a fresh perspective on American and global lifestyles and policies. The message throughout the book is a call to change the world, one person at a time. I love that the author was brave enough to write about a controversial subject. It can be a challenge to stand out and do the right thing. I agree with Annahita that they would would be a better place if we all learn to give a helping hand. That we should learn how to help the needy be custodians of change. The author elaborates about racism and the use of religion to do both wrong and gain power. Followed My Star talks about a range of issues both and small. These issues range from global policy issues to individual happiness. The author includes topics such as …show more content…
I did find a statement on page 33 that I found to be a little contradicting. "Being with someone who is like you wouldn't bring any growth into your life." This sounded contradicting because the author also campaigns about us all being equal. I may be overthinking this but if I am equal with everyone else, wouldn't that mean that I'm with someone equal? This is simply my personal opinion. There will be some readers who may disagree with the author's viewpoints. Annahita criticizes parts of the American Republican party as well as certain religions. The novel may not appeal to Christian and Muslim readers. This is due to dome of the radical arguments Annahita makes about these two religions. I would recommend this novel to activists, bloggers and readers who are champions of
... to a new level, by having the younger generation understand on what happened during that time period. This would be an excellent book for those who have an interest in politics. Something that made the book not interesting was the length of the book. There were too many pages that as a reader it will become boring or less entertaining. Lastly Pearlstein does not mention who the characters are, just stating their name in the book. To where the assuming the reader knows who these people are, when perhaps they don’t.
This work has a lot of relevance to today; for one thing, there is still poverty. Poverty is a hardship that millions of people must face everyday. And relating to poverty, there is still discrimination between social classes. Hunger is very prominent today. This is another problem that millions must face. Also, in relation to the book, many people have problems with alcohol. And many people still make fun of one another, and succumb to incestuous pleasure.
The book exemplifies the failure of religion especially in minorities. Any religion that has a “better afterlife” like heaven for
Equality 7-2521 embodies this essential idea throughout the story because of his eternal struggle with not quite being able to conform to society’s expectations. He is physically different from the others (Rand, 1946, p. 2) as well as mentally different as he disagreed with others even as a child (p. 4) and was smarter than the rest (p. 5), and this mental sharpness is carried into adulthood as he is able to discern the feelings of oppression and fear that weigh over all men in this time (Rand, 1946, p. 30). Rather than acting as a machine, he feels preferences and desires within himself. Equality 7-2521 enjoys science, dreams of being a Scholar, likes a pretty girl, and wonders about himself. Since these things are not shared by all, they are forbidden, and despite how simple they may be, they define
According the sweeping introduction of the book, I am already able to envision a number of entry points for the investigation of this
Criticisms (Unfavourable): Near the end of the book the dialogue becomes more rhetorical than the rest of the book. This isn’t really a problem, but can become slightly confusing at times. The best option would be to read this part slowly and carefully in order to understand what the message is.
In the beginning of the book, Equality is part of the society and is not an individual. “It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see” (Rand #261). This quotation shows how Equality feels about sin and what he thinks a sin is. This perspective on sin is not correct because he thinks being an individual is a sin. “We are nothing. Mankind is all. By the grace of our brothers are we allowed our lives. We exist, by
The beginning of the story opens with Equality being chastised because he is too tall and too smart. He noticed that “to be free, a man must be free of his brothers” (Rand 101). This quote shows that when society controls him, and he relies on everyone else, a lack of progress is inevitable. Even the higher powers control their city with aggressive strength; the Council of Vocations assigns Equality to be a street sweeper even though he wants to be a scholar. Out of curiosity, he finds a tunnel while on duty. He begins to write about himself, even though “it is a sin to think words no others are to see” (Rand 1). Having no obligation to others allows one to work towards their own goals, Equality is able to pass his previous instinct where “all men are one” (Rand 20). With the revelation of himself as being a separate indiv...
While in the Uncharted forest Equality experiences moments of happiness, freedom, and love that contributes to his realization of how collectivism has stripped away his happiness, freedom, and love. In Equality’s first day in the forest he experiences
...hor of this book does write rude and profound “rules” of love, he also shows the true side of relationships and how a man or women should love and think about their companion.
11th ed. By Kelly J. Mays. New York: W W Norton &, 2013. 551-57. Print.
It is a book that my child may never be able to read. It seems that the only logical reasoning to aid in what offends people is to completely eliminate the book from the library. A better approach is to understand that this book may help them examine other beliefs, attitudes, values, and traditions and to accept, tolerate, or even reject these ideas without prejudices against people who hold particular views. In the democracy In which we live, where regularly all ideas are debatable. A wide range on all points of view should be available to the public.
MLA International Bibliography. The book of the year. EBSCO. Web. The Web.