Flipped Classroom

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Problem Definition
1. This research study is about effective strategies used in a flipped classroom. It is necessary for research on this topic because it is more common for a classroom teacher to have a constructivist approach in their classroom. It is important to determine strategies that are beneficial in implementing a flipped classroom because it is an instructional method teachers could use in the classroom. My questions in this study are what flipped classroom strategies improve academic performance? What flipped classroom strategies do students find most effective? These questions will be used in determining the effective strategies. According to one of the studies, MacKinnon stated, “The mean score the first year …show more content…

Article reference.
Bush, G.R., & Warren, C.B. (2017). The flipped classroom: implementing technology to aid in college mathematics student’s success. Contemporary Issues in Education Research – second Quarter 2017, 109-116. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1137698.pdf.
Abstract. This study addresses the quantitative investigation into the satisfaction of the students in a flipped classroom and the correlation between their percent grades in the class. The study was comparing two classrooms. One class was taught the traditional way, and the other section was a flipped classroom. The professor described setting up his flipped classroom in 25 sections into multiple videos, typically about three or four videos per section. This allowed the videos to be 15 minutes a piece and broken up for the students to be able to easily watch them again. The report contains results of surveys the students took throughout the semester on how they feel the flipped classroom is benefiting their understanding of the material. There were five surveys given throughout the one …show more content…

Article reference.
Baytiyeh, H. (2017). The flipped classroom model: when technology enhances professional skills. The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, Vol. 34 Issue: 1, 51-62. Retrieved from http://www.emeraldinsight.com.ezproxy.wiu.edu/doi/pdfplus/10.1108/IJILT-07-2016- 0025.
Abstract. This qualitative study addresses the effectiveness of the flipped classroom approach and the skills that the students gains from their particular learning style. Students participated in an interview with questions about how they effective they thought the flipped classroom approach. The study states the questions and some of the responses of those questions. The key points and patterns were determined and they are as follows: self-regulated learning, problem-solving skills, teamwork and communication skills, enjoyment, and creativity. The interviewee’s names are not disclosed, but their major is described. The interviews were given after a semester long flipped classroom course in a collegiate classroom.
Research question(s) or hypothesis

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