Fire And Ice Condoms

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A Fine Ending Today, fire and ice has come to represent many things, even condoms have taken up the phrase with Trojan Fire & Ice condoms. Robert Frost’s early 20th century poem, “Fire and Ice”, was written during a time of progression, the first devastating World War was at hand and times were grim. No matter what people in power try to do or tell us, bright scientists, or even religious fanatics cannot deny the fact that the world we know and value is only temporary. “Some say the world will end in fire”, as time ticks, the earth is changing, from season to season, it is always developing for better or worse (Frost). Science might even suggest that while seemingly unnoticeable, the global climate in general is slowly but steadily rising. …show more content…

“Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world”, I think this is a pretty accurate depiction of how I would imagine the world descending into the inevitable chaos of something as mindboggling as the end of the world (Yeats). All would be falling apart, if every person was aware that within 24 hours that the world would be ending, I think there would be a crowds of people fulfilling their most perverse desires, be it murdering their neighbors, ransacking malls, or even setting cities on flames. “When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert A shape with lion body and the head of a man”, a Latin term meaning “world spirit”, Spiritus Mundi makes the reader think that no matter where a person lives, the chaos and distress of the apocalypse does not discriminate, every last person is interconnected in one way or another, and when the world ends, this will be clear. A sphinx has the body of a lion and a head of man, but is this truly universal knowledge? Would someone that lives in a place as measured and monitored as, North Korea, think the same if they saw something so unusual? Perhaps they might just think that they had been slipped some kind of psychedelic drug or what not, but it is interesting to consider the notion that everyone’s collective unconscious is interrelated and only something as devastating as the Armageddon could reveal

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