Finger Monkey Research Paper

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Introduction: Swoosh! That’s the sound of a finger monkey swinging throw the trees snooping and eavesdropping on Hawks. In this research paper, you will learn a lot about Finger monkeys. Including, what environment they live in, their characteristics, and all about their babies also called off-springs. Also, at the end, there will be many fun facts! Living Environment: You might be wondering, where in the world would a tiny, cute monkey live? Well, I have your answer. Finger Monkeys are mostly found swinging high in the trees of the Amazon Forrest. The Amazon spreads across nine countries but they are mostly found in five. Including, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and Brazil. The reason they live so high up the trees is so that they can protect themselves from snakes and wild cats on the ground, but also hide from the eagles and hawks flying above. Characteristics: Have you ever wondered what the real size of a Finger Monkey? When they are babies, they are the size of your index finger and can wrap around it too! When they are adults, they can get up to 20 centimeters long, with the tail included. They weigh about 3.5 …show more content…

For a very long time, the finger monkey has been my favorite animal. They are amazing, wonderful animals to be around. Fun Facts: • Finger Monkeys are actually are the smallest species of monkey in the world. • A lot of people think that Finger Monkeys are endangered animals but they’re actually not! • Sometimes to defend themselves, they make a really high pitched screech. Bibliography: • Rocha, Leila. "Finger Monkey: Pygmy Marmoset Facts." Blog post. 2015. Web. 5 May 2017. • Park, Brian. "What Is Finger Monkey or Baby Finger Monkey? Their Cost and Diet?" My Exotic World. 17 Apr. 2017. Web. 11 May 2017. • Burwell, Anne. Blog post. Monkey Facts and Information. 30 Dec. 2010. Web. 11 May

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