Film Analysis Of The Film A Beautiful Mind

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The film “A Beautiful Mind” depicts the life of Nobel Prize winner John Nash. It takes us on a journey that begins with him at Princeton University studying mathematics and trying to come up with an original idea for publication. At Princeton University we then meet his roommate and best friend, Charles Herman, who seems to be the only person that understands and puts up with him. After university he begins to work at MIT and years later gets invited to the Pentagon to decipher telecommunication codes. While working at MIT, we meet William Parcher from the United States Department of Defense, who offers him a new exciting, secretive assignment. John Nash begins to work secretively as spy to help against Russian spies. Around that time, he also begins to date and eventually gets married to a student of his from MIT. …show more content…

However, after being blackmailed by Parcher, he begins fearing for his life and that of his family. John eventually gets sedated and put in a psychiatric center after giving a lecture at Harvard University. The psychiatrist, Dr. Rosen, tries to help him understand that what he thinks is real wasn’t. That the people we have all come to know are actually part of his delusions and hallucinations. He gets diagnosed with schizophrenia and after getting treatment is able to leave as long as he stays medicated. The rest of the film shows the struggle with him taking medication, the stigma behind having this disorder, how it impacted his family, friends, work options. He eventually stops taking the medication and works at living with schizophrenia and trying to regain a sense of

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