Film Analysis Of 12 Angry Men

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In this paper I analyze the 1957 12 Angry Men film. However, I will talk about three chapters that I believe that connects to this film. The first one will be on Prejudice: Disliking Other the second one would be on Conformity and Obedience and the last one will be on Conflict and Peacemaking. Upon watching this film I realize that these three chapters really connect with this film. However, here is why they connect. From the beginning of the movie showed signs of prejudice and stereotypes, discrimination and racism. Some of the jury members were quoted saying them and you know how they are! It makes you wonder looking for an African Americans perspective is the jury like this when the jury is all white. One of the scenes that stuck out was; when jury number 10 said “I don’t mind telling you this, mister. We don’t owe him a thing. He got a fair trial, didn 't he? You know what that trial cost? He’s lucky he got it. Look, we’are all grown ups here. You’re not. Going to tell us that we’re supposed to believe him, knowing what he is. I’ve lived among ‘me all my life. You can’t believe a word they say. You know that”. However, it also shows signs of automatic prejudice in the beginning. …show more content…

The book said when conformity is "established, prejudice is maintained largely by inertia. If a prejudice is socially accepted, many people follow the path of least restriction and conform to the fashion. They will not act so much out of hate as out of a need to be liked and accepted". By this statement is this the reason why 11 jury members voted him guilty. Even the older jury member number 9 who defended the offender saying that only an ignorant man will believe that. However, later in the movie there was a scene that shows a prime example of conformity. When jury number 7 said I 'll tell you something I 'm a little sick of this whole thing already. We 're going nowhere fast let 's break it up and go home, I 'm changing my vote to not

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