Filippo Marinetti and Futurism

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Filippo Marinetti and Futurism

Filippo Marinetti is an Italian poet who started the Futurist art movement. Filippo Marinetti spent the early years of his life in Alexandria, Egypt. Marinetti found his love for literature during his school years. With this fascination he started a school magazine, Papyrus; which then almost got him expelled him for being so scandalous.Later he obtained a degree in law at the Università degli Studi di Genova. Although he got a degree in law, he decided to never become a lawyer, so he chose to go with a literary career. In 1898 Marinetti published poetry for the first time, the work was titled Les Vieux Marins. In 1907 Marinetti visited the Abbaye de Créteil, this greatly influenced Marinetti’s Futurist ideas. And now Marinetti is best known for be the founder of Futurism by publicizing The Manifesto of Futurism in 1909.He has also had his fair share of influencing people. Since Marinetti also publicized Futurism abroad, was influenced another kind of style,Cubo-futurism. Cubo-futurism is the result of merging Cubism and Futurism.Even Dadaism and...

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