Figurative Elements In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the character (Gatsby) attempts to remake the past by altering his identity and accumulating riches in order to win over his lost love (Daisy Buchanan), who married another rich man while Gatsby was away fighting in WWI. The narrator of the novel is Gatsby's neighbor, Nick, who is trustworthy and cynical, connected with all the main characters, and has the ability to see the good in Gatsby. Throughout The Great Gatsby there are various figurative elements that encompass mood and symbolism such as the weather and different colors that consistently reappear in the story. These figurative elements also display Gatsby’s emotional dilemma, which is his dream of getting Daisy back although she …show more content…

Colors, such as green and white are used to find ones true feelings; while others use colors to hide their true self. Color symbolism is used to convey a deeper message to the readers and help us understand the characters true the various colors that appeared regularly in the story. One color we see right from the beginning of the story is white. We see Daisy and Jordan Baker wearing their white dresses. The color white symbolizes beauty, cleanliness, wealth, innocence, and also laziness. These are also characteristics that both Jordan and Daisy personify. Jordan Baker personifies neutrality because she is never in the drama. She was friends’ with Gatsby, Nick, Tom and Daisy and she had no issues with any of them. They both personify wealth because they are both rich. Both come from old money. Daisy symbolizes laziness because she doesn’t really do anything for herself. She is wealthy so she doesn’t have to work so all she does is wonder what she’ll do for the rest of her life. Another symbolic color in The Great Gatsby is green. The green light at the end of Daisy’s’ dock represents Gatsby’s’ hopes and dreams. Gatsby associates it with one day being able to get Daisy back. In chapter one he reaches towards it in the darkness as if to follow it to his goal. The color green us traditionally related with hope and youth. Another emblematic color is red. The inside of

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