Figueroa's Framework Analysis

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1.0 Introduction There are many factors that contribute to the participation of students in European Handball within the St Augustine’s College (StAC) community. European Handball is described as a seven-player team sport, where the ball is drippled, passed and hitting it with any part of the body above the knees. Whilst playing Euro Handball, the students were retouching their knowledge on Figueroa’s Framework and was asked to link both parties to one another. Figueroa's Frame work is the levels used to investigate the ways in which, differences challenge the zone of game and physical activity. ("Figueroa’s Framework", 2018) These levels are individual, interpersonal, institutional, structural and cultural. There are many factors linking European …show more content…

Society shapes and influence equity in and access to sport. The way this links to European Handball is that it is not a popular sport, which is another reason it is not implemented into StAC within an earlier grade. It is not an Australian sport, not many people have the correct knowledge about the sport and have probably never heard about it unlike rugby and netball. Stated by the name of the sport, it is recognised in Europe, mainly; Denmark, Germany, Norway and Sweden. The effect it has on the acceptance at St Augustine’s College is that it’s a marginalized sport not a cultured sport and has been marginalized within St Augustine’s College because there is no Seca days or fixtures for the sport. Australians are serious when it comes to sport as it unifies them as a society. Once a sport has shown popularity sports without the dominance and popularity will be pushed to the side for the popular sports to be focused on. Society influences which sport people participate in because of the ideals within one’s culture. ("Cultural Influences on Equity and Sports Participation | Gender Role | Masculinity", 2018) Before grade 10, students had never played the sport unless within a club, which is not likely as there is one handball club in Queensland (Handball Queensland). In the past, society has seen sport as a male dominate structure, as present times evolve females are getting a look in which is expanding the values and expectations of the sport within society and in St Augustine’s College. European handball gaining acceptance into St Augustine’s College, has a barrier of recognition, education, and attitudes towards the game

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