Feudalism Vs Manorialism Essay

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Feudalism and Manorialism glued together the societies of the middle ages. Feudalism and Manorialism held together the economic aspect of society. Feudalism and Manorialism helped put together all the assets society needed. Feudalism and Manorialism also accounted for the military needs of societies. Religion and culture added stability and reinforced feudalism and manorialism. Feudalism and Manorialism made living in the middle ages easier, and helped to reach the end of the Middle Ages. Feudalism is a economic and political system that divides up land, Feudalism comes from old ways mixed with new ways of loyalty. Old and new customs together forged feudalism. Feudalism was a mix of old and new ways working together, feudalism helped save …show more content…

Feudalism had traces of old ways, the word feudalism itself was an old trace. The latin word for fee was feudal which the term feudalism came from (Biel 9). Oaths and loyalty were a big part of what feudalism was based on. Oaths held the trust together, without this bondage of feudal classes feudalism would collapse. Feudal oaths are called “oaths of homage” these were happening as early as the 8th century (Biel 15). Land was part of these oaths, you stay loyal, if always follow your oath, you get rewarded. Feudalism needed these bonds, once a bondn was made trust came into play. A king could trust a lord to run and protect part of his land because feudalism was a political and economic system regarding land division (Biel 12). Land division and class level determined power level in feudalism. Feudal classes determined your importance, role and job. Feudalism ran off of what class you where and you carrying out your job, the higher the class in feudalism the more power (Biel 12). Land was a big factor in incentive for people following the king, kings would give the gift of land to his kingdom in return for feudal services, like fighting and loyalty (Biel 9). The king had to find

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