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Feminist epistemology essay
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Feminist epistemology essay
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Feminism and Epistemology is a phrase derived from the feminist epistemological and philosophical sciences studies. Feminist and epistemology studies gender influences to perfection in a subject, individual’s conception of knowledge, and competence in inquiry and justifying oneself. Under the study, diverse formalities influencing performance are analyzed. The study outlines how dominant practices and conceptions of acquiring, attributing and justification disadvantages women and other minority groups. The study equips individuals with information to facilitate an end to marginalization. Baselessly, the marginalized groups are discounted as knowers and argued to be less competent in knowing. Their perfect articulation of social relations is discounted. The research has been …show more content…
Most of the theories have received both support and critique from different individuals and groups (Wylie & Sismondo, 2015). According to the standpoint theory, the central argument is in relation to giving the epistemic advantage to groups that are undermined and oppressed in the society. The privileged standpoint that seems to support inferiority of the marginalized groups is critiqued. According to the proponents of the theory, such discrimination has gained extensive support necessitating address the issue. In elaborating the matter, the capitalists feeling is articulated. According to the proponents, the rich and the privileged, often referred to as bourgeois, argue their position to be natural and created by them. Based on this vague argument, they uphold their rationale nature and continued oppression to the marginalized. On the contrary, the proponents of the theory prove that even the marginalized are just as equals to others in the society. As such, the continued sustenance of capitalism is critiqued. A society upholding such views hinders support to the power of
In Feminism Matter: Debates, Theories, Activism, author Victoria L. Bromley not only begins to delve into what it means to be a feminist in today’s society, but also provides the critical background knowledge required to be able fully understand modern feminism. A key factor in understanding any social justice movement is comprehending the difference between subjective knowledge and objective knowledge. Subjective knowledge is knowledge that “...is informed by the person or subject who is speaking” (Bromley, 38). To elaborate, subjective knowledge is derived from an individual’s experience, which often leads to opinions. Opinions are a prime example of subjective knowledge, however it is indisputable that opinions are influenced by bias for
Linda Alcoff utilizes “Epistemologies of Ignorance: Three Types,” enhances previous work already performed within feminist epistemology and elaborate a typology of ignorance’s. She proposes that there are three types of epistemologies of ignorance’s, the situation of knowers, the perception of viewpoint epistemology, and the third is a universal type. Knowledge and expertise that is known or unknown is utilized to provide a distinction between the powerful and the powerless. Alcoff also claims that traditional epistemology should not be used when assessing ignorance due to it being insufficiently reflexive. Alcoff view closely mirrors my own therefore this is not a critical argument but a concurring viewpoint enhancing her argument.
The contribution of the feminist standpoint in IR theory definitely sparks discussion and debate bringing forth new perspectives which demand to be heard and considered from the more ‘orthodox’ IR theories, previously privileged assumptions and preconceived ideas. This grand entry for the feminists was towards the denouement of the Cold War in the 1980’s , Kirkpatrick; influential US ambassador of the UN during that period was noted to have said that she felt like a “mouse in a man’s world”. Is this still the case with women worldwide and particularly in the West? Tickner’s groundbreaking work set the foundation and key to early feminist IR. Whilst simultaneously interrogating the core issues in mainstream IR, particularly in peace and security, contingent on feminist bases for gendered grasp of issues that have defined it. In this essay we will firstly try to identify and comment on the emergence of feminism within IR in the 80’s. Secondly, we will pin-point and analyze which contributions were of the greatest importance, predominantly via Tickner and Keohane. Finally we will look at the impact and importance of the different types of feminist theories and whether or not they have achieved at enriching our understanding of IR theory.
What is intersectional feminism? Intersectional feminism is a fight for social justice that includes more factors than gender. This is important because there is no one-size-fits-all type of feminism. There are a variety of things that contribute to oppression. For example, white cisgender middle class person faces different discriminations than that of a transgender disabled black person.
Various theorists under the umbrella of critical social theory believe that all subordinate groups are oppressed on personal, cultural and institutional levels by visible and invisible structures as well as by conscious and unconscious means. (Mullaly, 2010 ).
Feminist Theory is an aspect of considering feminism as having been based on socio-phenomenon issues rather than biological or scientific. It appreciates gender inequality, analyzes the societal roles played by feminists in a bid to promote the interests, issues and rights of women in the society. It is also based on the assumption that women play subsidiary roles in the society. The whole idea of feminism has however experienced hurdles in the form of stereotyping by the wider society. This paper tries to examine some of the effects of stereotypes that feminism goes through, what other philosophers say and the way forward towards ending stereotyping.
The realization that knowledge is situated powerfully affects how we generate knowledge. While standpoint theory offers a valuable critique that validates previously ignored perspectives, even Wylie's perspective on epistemological privilege is difficult to accept. A tempered and thoughtfully implemented feminist empiricism, therefore, offers a better way of understanding and generating knowledge in our dynamic and varied world.
Feminism has tackled gender inequality in the workforce, within politics, education and various institutes. Within the 20th century some of these issues faced in western culture have been completely reformed due to certain feminist movements that have encouraged women to fight for equal rights. (Crofton: 2011: 272-273) The first and second waves of feminism have proven to be successful by increasing equal rights between men and women. (Kaplan: 1992: 7) Despite these successes which include allowing there is still the fact of the matter remains that women are still objectified by their gender. ()The generalization of gender roles, have proven to be challenging within the feminist movement, this is often due to the objectification of women in the media. Also as feminism, is an ideology it has various schools of which have conflicting ideas of the ‘empowerment of women’ making it difficult to clarify on what is not acceptable in establishing women’s rights. (Fraser: 2014)
Most women fight wars on two fronts […] one simply for the right to speak, to have ideas, to be acknowledged to be in possession of facts and truths, to have value.” (Solnit, 2014: 6). Being a rather short book consisting of a collection of seven essays, Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things To Me was published in 2014 and does not disappoint with demonstrating the fact that women are being silenced and discredited and at the same time, it clarifies the link between the silencing of women and patriarchal power. Contrary to popular misconceptions about feminism, such as the idea that feminists hate men, Men Explain Things To Me was written in a way that emphasises and helps the ordinary person understand that feminists do not hate men, but instead incorporate some men in their struggle, already making it clear that this book is a useful contribution to feminism and relevant to our course.
Feminist sociology focuses on examining and understanding gender in its relation to power within society as well as individuals. The fundamental principle of feminist sociology is the idea that in most societies, women have been oppressed and that men have been more dominant throughout history. Feminist theory directly relates to feminist sociology. According to the Introduction to Sociology 2e textbook, “feminist theory is a type of conflict theory that examines inequalities in gender-related issues. It uses the conflict approach to examine the maintenance of gender roles and inequalities” (Openstax 261). This paper aims to analyze feminist theory, discuss its history, as well as emphasizing a current social
“Emancipation of women had made them lose mystery” –Grace Kelly, this was a quote said from a woman’s mouth, this was not only Grace’s opinion but the percentage of women being against feminism is increasing. Stop Fem-Splaining: What ‘Women Against Feminism’ Gets Right is an article wrote by Cathy Young published on Www.time.com which is an website for the news and articles, the article was published on July 14,2014. The article is taking about the Women Against feminist meme that has been up in 2014 through social medias and TV shows, the issue had many perspectives from the different kind of sexes, some women believe in the equality between men and women, that
I would teach about intersectional feminism, and why every person, regardless of gender, race, or sexuality, should consider themselves a feminist. As a woman, I have experienced misogyny. Unfortunately this is commonplace, and happens to all people, whether they realize it or not. Feminism is more than what it is generally associated with, and is of value to all to embrace its ideals.
Feminist theory is the extension of feminism into theoretical, fictional or philosophical dissertation. It helps to explain the main nature of gender inequality. It further explains the social roles of women in the society such as education, communication, philosophy, sociology and so on (Chodrow, Nancy 1991).
Feminist epistemology involves the study the theory of knowledge i.e. epistemology from q feminist standpoint; the disadvantage faced by women through knowledge and justification. It is usually said to be concerned with how our knowledge is influenced by gender through justification and inquiry. Feminist’s epistemology is ideally based on the fact that by the perspective of a certain theory is affected upon by the knowledge pertaining the theory. The themes which characterize feminist epistemology are not unique it on only, since the themes are also found in the filed science studies and social epistemology. However, feminist epistemology is distinct from both science studies and social epistemology in that, for reconstructing and analysis, gender is characterize used. However, feminists have always argued gender rather than being determined
Such an unequal distribution of wealth was considered unfair so the bourgeoise were labeled as oppressors and the proletaries those who are being oppressed by the bourgeoise. Following this logic, a Marxist concludes that institutions like family, religion, culture and nationality are tool of the