Fear Of Heights: Theories And Analysis

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This paper will discuss the fear of heights, also known as acrophobia and it effect on the mental state of people in different settings. We all have fears of things whether big or small and some may even be irrational or even completely rational fears, and these fears are also known as phobias and there are hundreds of different kinds of phobias. My theory about phobias is that if someone experiences some sort of traumatizing event in their life, then they will develop a rather completely rational or irrational fear based off of the traumatizing event. Many people develop a fear of heights and there are many theories as to how this fear is developed. My theory for how the fear of heights is developed is that some kids/people have …show more content…

Most people can experience the fear in cases of sleep while dreaming and others may have a very serious case of PTSD, which makes them almost relive this fear over and over without them wanting to but with them knowing fully what is happening. “It has been shown that body sway increases significantly with increasing distance between the nearest stationary surroundings and the subject’s eyes [3,5]. Visual control of postural sway becomes impaired because the retinal slip of the environment during translational movements becomes critically small.” (Kugler, 2014) This meaning that the mind and eyes will distort reality more giving off the illusion that a person is far off from the ground or is up …show more content…

Using a survey would gather the basic data that is needed about those who have a fear of heights. Furthermore, if there is a survey people can be as open as they want if a question is open ended. Using a case study would prove to be equally as effective if not more effective because then it would be easier to further observe what causes, triggers, or triggered the phobia in the first place. It would give a window of opportunity to find a cure or treatment to the person who is experiencing the phobia and give a new hope. Finally it would also be a chance for research and researchers to look more into other unexplored aspects of treatment and

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