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Pros and cons of fear
Essay on how to overcome fear
Essay on how to overcome fear
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Recommended: Pros and cons of fear
Fear is something everyone feels at some point in their life. Fear is a feeling that your body produces in dangerous, threatening, or scary situations. It is the ability to identify danger and make a choice to either confront that fear or flee from the situation. That choice is completely up to the victim, and depends on the person. Although fear is handled differently by every person, it is a common emotion that everyone feels. Some seek out to overcome their fears, and seek the feeling of adrenaline they get from overcoming. Others flee the situation and don't think twice about trying to overcome their fear. In worst case scenarios people freeze up and go into shock due to the situation. Fear can be a great thing by causing people to rise …show more content…
I have overcome a few fears in my life and believe with determination anyone can. I've been afraid of heights my entire life and overcoming that fear took years. I never thought it was possible for me to be in a roller coaster until that one day I was in a situation that made me surpass my fear. I've been afraid of heights since I can remember. Some people will scream and cry whenever they are far up in the air. To a person without that fear it may seem funny that being afraid of heights is childish stuff, but to me it's not. I personally am not a person to freak out about heights anymore since I finally conquered it by getting on a ton of rides and just letting it …show more content…
You can't just sit there and not do anything about it. Time will go by in a heartbeat without you not facing that one challenge you have in life which is to overcome your fear. We learn from it slowly and slowly no matter what the outcome is. Our imagination is usually a bit too vivid, and our worst-case scenarios can go above and beyond the worst that could actually happen. In most cases, the thing we fear is never as bad as we think it will be. When we are trying to make a decision to leave, to quit, or to do something new, we lack the perspective to see how things turn out. Maybe the most important lesson is this: we do not need to eliminate fear from our lives. We can welcome it, we can cope with it and we can proceed in spite of it. The best decisions in life are rarely the easiest ones. Or, rather, they should feel easy within, but often come with some level of fear. Next time you are fearful of a new pose, or a new chance in life, approach it with the knowledge that the best possible results will come forward. Fears can be pretty rational because there are some choices and risks you will have to take because you never know if it’s going to be the right choice just like in the video “What fear can teach us”. The men had to make a pretty difficult decision because there was a very low chance of survival. There are people who are afraid of everything basically. They might over think the worst possible thing and
Fear is a powerful emotion. Wikipedia.com describes fear as “an emotion induced by threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately change behavior, such as running away, hiding or freezing from traumatic events.”Most people tend to avoid fearful situations, not realizing that something positive may come out of the event or experience. Victor Villaseñor focuses on the topic of fear in his novel titled Burro Genius. Villaseñor demonstrates to readers how growing up he was extremely fearful of any situation. Victor also tells his readers how he turned his fear into motivation into motivation to keep going and reach his ultimate goal of becoming a published author.
Fear has controlled the world and shaped humans into what they are now. New technologies have been created, because of the fear humans have. Over time new fears have evolved, and illnesses occurred due to anxiety and depression from these fears. The terror that runs through each individual is different. Without fear there would be no evolution or protection.
Have you ever had something ever get to you or make you you scared? That is called fear and tons an tons of people have different fears. Fear is an emotion that makes you feel afraid or something is frighten. Some fears many include spiders, clowns and even death. ‘’Fear Prompts Teens To Act Impulsively’’ by Laura Sanders, ‘’Stress for Success’’ by Alison Pearce, and ‘’And Uncomfortable Bed’’ By Guy Maupassant all explain the idea of fear.
A simple definition of the human psyche is the embodiment of the human spirit. However, when one takes a more in-depth look, it becomes much more complex than the tidy little package that the definition would infer. The psyche has a direct link to thoughts, emotions, reactions and consequences. Of these components, emotions have the most significant impact on the human essence. The way in which humans view and react to the world around them is directly linked to the conscious and subconscious feelings associated with a particular activating event. The human psyche is driven by a wide variety of emotions ranging from love, hate, anger, happiness, fear, and courage to name but only a few. Of these, fear has the power to disrupt the body and spirit in profound ways as it encompasses all emotions. Therefore, it is the strongest emotion associated with the human condition.
“At the University of California at Irvine, experiments in rats indicate that the brain’s hormonal reaction to fear can be inhibited, softening the formation of memories and the emotions they evoke” (Baard).
Change your response to the fear as you confront it. You can, for instance, learn to laugh at your fear. This is what comedian Kevin Hart learned to do, and he became
The Dangers of Fear Irish Playwright, George Bernard Shaw, once said, “The worst sin toward our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them; that's the essence of inhumanity.” Inhumanity is mankind’s worst attribute. Every so often, ordinary humans are driven to the point where they have no choice but to think of themselves. One of the most famous examples used today is the Holocaust. Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night demonstrates how fear is a debilitating force that causes people to lose sight of who they once were.
What fear is. Fear is the reply to when someone is intimidated by something that 's immediately going to harm their well-being. For example, a dog barking at a person and chasing them down the street. That person would feel dread, which would then give them the desire to protect themselves. In a fear situation, that desire turns into the fight or flight response. We either fight off the danger or we run and hide from it (Lamia). This response is considered a fear response because of the quickness of the reaction time; it happens immediately after the danger is sensed.
Fear influences people to make irrational decisions and take extreme measures. Often times, these actions are done to protect one’s reputation. Fear causes people to lie and manipulate to those they care about in order to escape what they are scared of most. Fear of failure has caused higher levels of anxiety, and has made society put blame on each other, rather than owning up to their mistakes. Fear can also cause one to forget one’s true identity and lose one’s values. There are two options that one can take when being faced with a fear: run away from the fear, or go through it and learn a valuable lesson in the end that will make you a stronger person. Fear is a harmful emotion that everyone has to go through in order to succeed.
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself” (Roosevelt). “Fear is a chain reaction in the brain that starts with a stressful stimulus and ends with the release of chemicals that cause a racing heart, fast breathing and energized muscles, among other things, also known as the fight-or-flight response” (Layton). Fear affects the brain and can help people or make them in a worse situation than they were in the first place. Fear most motivates/influences people during times of crisis by clouding judgement and becoming a weapon of power.
In the words of Bertrand Russell, “Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom” (Russell). Fear causes many problems in our lives. Fear influences many of a person’s actions and decisions. However, people usually regret the decisions or actions they made out of fear. Also, these actions and decisions can cause problems for those people in their future. Fear is a harmful emotion, for it clouds people’s judgement, disables them from taking action, and causes them to make decisions that they will regret later.
Fear is an everyday emotion that the human race must face, and it can bring out the best and worst of us, but its how we choose to deal with it that truly defines us.
Fear is an emotion that can control our everyday thoughts and actions. Fear keeps people from
Understanding and analyzing fear is a step to become fearless. Question until you understand something don’t go through life insecure. When you feel the sensation of fear you get scared and realize that you aren’t as brave as you thought, but you are capable of not being afraid anymore. Deconstructing fear is a way of gaining confidence. Once you become fearless life becomes limitless. Throughout life people are afraid of certain things not because they aren’t capable of doing it, but it is the fear that is the cause of their unwillingness. Results on fear are often held back by false assumptions of weakness. People live in fear, if you want to achieve success then don’t doubt yourself. Set fearlessness as an ideal as an ideal to dream about being fearless and the better you will be. Just because you try something for the first time and it doesn't come out as you expected doesn’t mean that it won't come out right the next time. Don’t give up and try until you succeed. In order to grow you have to challenge yourself. Confront your fears so that you aren’t scared
Fear is the reason why students are writing an essay for a class. Fear is the anxiety of receiving a failing mark to a final exam that we never show to our parents. Fear is the uneasiness that we feel when our parents learn about a stupid thing that could make them disappointed. Fear is the inability to walk to a dark corridor after watching a horror movie. Fear is the negative state of mind that hinders us from doing anything. These are how we usually describe fear, danger, and suffering, the feeling of uneasiness that overwhelms our body. Understanding the true nature of fear gives us purpose and motivation to do better.