Father Absence: The Most Critical Social Issue of Our Time

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Evidence clearly shows a decline in fatherhood within American homes. The results are disparaging, but there is a silver-lining. Initiatives have been launched across the country, dating back to the 1990’s. There is an increasing collection of courageous men determined to debunk the post-modern stereotype of bungling, or worse, absent fatherhood. Typing in fatherhood within a Google search engine generates a sizeable list of websites geared towards equipping and empowering dads. And the lifelong occupation is not as daunting as one may think—in fact fatherhood is one of the most rewarding and self-actualizing jobs a man will ever endeavor to take on.
Moreover, such rewards are sprinkled across a lifetime. It is the gift that keeps giving, as generation after generation reap the sweet fruit from the tender labor of one man. A man’s legacy is directly tied to the time, energy, love, and support he invests into active fatherhood. Additionally fatherhood has many benefits for men. When men become active fathers a transformation takes place. Some studies on human populations in China, the United States and the Philippines have found that involved dads have lower testosterone levels, which influence aggression levels and libido (Mitchell, 2013). This decrease in testosterone levels helps fathers to ‘slow down’ and enjoy taking care of their children.
Some ways in which men can take steps towards becoming involved fathers are fairly simple. Generally it begins with conception. A father can become active as soon as pregnancy by supporting his wife, fiancé, or girlfriend emotionally and physically. It is important for a father to be present at all clinical appointments, check-ups, and prenatal...

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Sanders, R. (2013, November 12). The Father Absence Crisis in America [Infographic].
Retrieved from http://www.fatherhood.org/bid/190202/The-Father-Absence-Crisis-in-America-Infographic
Tips for Men: How to be a Good Father and Husband. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.datehookup.com/content-tips-for-men-how-to-be-a-good-father-and-husband.htm Wilcox, W. B. (2013, December 16). Children Are Better Off With a Father than Without One –
NYTimes.com. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2013/06/03/what-are-fathers-for/children-are-better-off-with-a-father-than-without-one
Williams, R. B. (2011, June 19). The decline of fatherhood and the male identity crisis |
Psychology Today. Retrieved from http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201106/the-decline-fatherhood-and-the-male-identity-crisis

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