Fast Food Restaurants Are To Blame For Obesity

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Many people believe that fast food restaurants are to blame for obesity in the United States. As you know fast food restaurants are a number one place to go to for most americans in the U.S. and most fast food restaurants aren’t the healthiest and are a cause if not the leading cause for americans having obesity. A lot of americans go to fast food restaurants because they are cheap and help to save most of americans money, but they are also very unhealthy. Most americans blame obesity on these fast food restaurants and some believe that it is america's fault for the obesity. So i will be talking about if we really should be blaming the fast food restaurants for obesity.
First i will start off by showing quotes and the side of people who think that fast food restaurants are to blame for american obesity. Most people believe that fast food restaurants are to blame for obesity because of …show more content…

People find this ridiculous that all this food is so unhealthy and will blame fast food restaurants on that the most saying that they need to be healthier and not have such fattening food. One person on said, “They are giving people something bad, the food alone is to blame for obesity.” Another person said that they are to blame because fast food is behind it all, like all of the advertising and commercials for obesity. A lot of people also believe for it to be the environment and how fast food restaurants are there right around the corner and are very tempting and one site believes that it is because they are tricking society to eating processed junk foods. There are also a lot of risks that come with eating at a fast food restaurant also with obesity such as diseases and cancers and while they are good they are still very unhealthy

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