Fascism: An Example Of Absolute Monarchy

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To first write a paper on Absolute Monarchy, we must first understand what it is. Absolute Monarchy is when a person or a system takes complete control with no rules or restrictions on their decisions. Usually most people in leadership neglect outside advice. This type of ruling is known for getting what they want with no excuses. They use manipulation to rise to power and then use people to achieve their goals. When it comes to Absolute Monarchy, almost all rationality and sensitive thinking goes out the window and many irrational choices are made. We can see a few examples through the Nazis in Germany, Fascism, and Stalin’s use of terror. The first example of irrational thinking due to Absolute Monarchy are the ways Hitler wanted to take …show more content…

Fascism is known for having no peace, and war is their only way of thinking. We see this from Benito Mussolini when he organized the Fascist Party in 1919. He recruited unemployed ex-soldiers and had rich businessmen fund the party. Mussolini wanted national power and even though he was only dubbed prime minister, he was the unchallenged ruler of Italy. He only thing in his way was the Catholic Church. To keep the church at bay and get the church on his side he made it mandatory for schools to have religious instruction, made the Vatican City an independent state, and made the Roman Catholic Church the religion on the nation. Mussolini only did things to gain support but not to benefit others. Through everything he did, Mussolini was no where near ever establishing total control. Where as most other Monarchs took control of other countries, Mussolini was obsessed with taking over his …show more content…

In 1921, Stalin, Trotsky, and Lenin became the figureheads of the Soviet Union. Stalin was given the role of General Secretary of the Communist Party which allowed him to build loyalty with the Communist party. In 1928 Stalin got his big break and took over the Soviet Union. He believed that the Union could not survive unless being modernized. He wanted to change everything so fast that twenty-million people died from exhaustion, overwork, and starvation. Stalin pushed so hard that it put everyone in a financial crisis. Lands were taken from people and if they opposed the people were put into prison camps. Many people fought back and caught their land on fire which put the Soviet Union into agricultural depression. Because of the uprising and standing up for what they believed in millions of more people died because starvation. Stalin tried to make it look like he had everything under control by posting pictures of well-fed and happy workers with green lands. Some countries believed his efforts whereas others saw the loss of human lives in what it took to

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