Farkhunda Gender Equality

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Farkhunda, a Muslim woman who lived in Afghanistan, was murdered nearly six months ago and justice has yet to be done. Farkhunda’s memorial is frequently visited but it is not likely that justice will be fully served any time soon. She had been falsely accused of burning the Koran, which led to a mob to lynch her. Since then, there have been protests by thousands of Afghans demanding justice for Farkhunda as well as bringing awareness of the violence still committed towards women today. Even with crimes like this, so many people still find it so unbelievable and unnecessary for feminism - equality for both men and women. They’re always claiming that women have just as many rights as men do in this day and age, but it’s clear that that’s not the case. Especially where one man’s accusation causes the death of an innocent woman. Mocking statements and terms have been creating, poking fun at the whole concept of feminism. Meninism - a complete joke - ridicules feminists and their movement for equality. It was clearly made by people who felt overwhelmed with how serious feminism is and how it’s starting to bring complete equality amongst all genders. …show more content…

A number of African American people have been murdered by members of the police force and there still has yet to be any justice for them. The fact that members of a force that are meant to protect us, are actually killing many, brings on a feeling of uneasiness and distrust. They’re targeting innocent members of society for no other reason than their skin color. And justice hasn’t been accomplished in honor of all the people that were murdered. This proves just how unjust the criminal system is and how much work needs to be done to bring justice and equality for every gender, race,

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