Family: The Most Important Aspects Of Family

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Family may be the most basic, yet essential, aspect to every different culture throughout the world. Out of the various categories presented in this project, I believe family is the most important aspect to any culture, and it is also one of the most globally recognized basic units of culture. According to Aaron, the idea of a family has evolved within the culture of South Korea over numerous years. For example, the father used to be predominant and powerful because of South Korea’s power distance. Women used to not have as many job opportunities as they now do today, so the males were viewed as the hardest workers and the heads of the families. In the United States, however, the male and female both have similar “power” within the traditional family, as the United States’ power distance has gradually grown closer. Many people throughout the Western world have different assumptions about South Korean culture and their family structure. …show more content…

Men usually labor outside, taking care of field crops, while women normally work inside doing housework, spinning, weaving, and cooking. Also, poor women usually have no choice but to work outside in the fields. On the other hand, the more elite a family is, the more unlikely the women will be seen outside of the house. However, according to Aaron, after liberation from the Japanese in 1945, the history and the structure of South Korean families drastically changed. Now most South Koreans live in cities and work in factories or large companies and no longer farm. Each person in the family still has a clearly defined role, each dependent on others within the family unit. Finally, Aaron stated that South Koreans adapt their traditional ideas of spiritual and biological interdependence within the family to new

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