Family, Religion And Education: Video Analysis

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This paper will discuss the major social institutions of family, religion and education and why each is important in society. Each of the social institutions in society can impact both economic and social levels and how the different perspectives provide insight on how the family, religion and education play an important key to social behaviors. Each social institution has a different effect on society and how individuals view each perspective. The information viewed in the videos will discuss how the social institutions of family, religion and education are addressed from the functionalist, conflict and interactionist perspectives. The findings in the videos will discuss which perspective each film uses to discuss each institution.
The video titled Family and Social changes is about how the structure of the family has changed over the late 40 years when the family …show more content…

Judaism believers see heaven as being God’s business and doing well on Earth is the people’s business (Heaven: How five religions see it [Video file], 2011). The Hindu believers believe that after death one is liberated by being cremated to attain life after death. The functionalist perspective views religion and how each religion perceives heaven and the process although different the each believes the realization of the cycle of life and death and heaven is viewed as the same place for each religion (Heaven: How five religions see it [Video file], 2011). The conflict perspective on religion is that each religion views their interpretations and perceptions about heaven to be more accurate than other religions which in some instances causes individuals of a specific religion to become overzealous. The interactionist perspective on religion discusses how followers of different religions view those who follow or have different religious

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