Fall Of Verona Empire Essay

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Fall of Verona Empire
“O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” ( II.i.33) Now I’m sure we have all heard of this classic line one time or another from the timeless play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare that takes place in Verona, Italy 1597. It’s a tragic love story that consists of many important people such as the priest, Friar Lawrence. In a way, he reminds me of a religious therapist. Friar Lawrence is not only an old priest, but a man who gives great wisdom. He believes that love conquers all and family feuds should not go on forever.
“I’ll thy assistant be; For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households’ rancour to pure love” (II.iii.92-93) In this act, Friar Lawrence agrees to marry the Capulet and Montague. I believe the Friar agrees to marry the star crossed lovers because of how much hatred that goes on between the families and believes it should end, that there is no need for this squabble. The Friar thinks that despite of their marriage, both spouses families …show more content…

While both are in a tough spot because their love is forbidden, Friar Lawrence is one of the limited people they can confine too. Juliet goes to the Friar and is begging for a way to stay with Romeo and he has a full proof plan set up by giving Juliet poison to fake her death so she can be with Romeo and leave Verona. Friar Lawrence believes in the star crossed lovers and wants them to have a successful and happy marriage.
Friar Lawrence is an extremely important figure (in my eyes) and plays a key role in the iconic play Romeo and Juliet. He agrees to marry the two even though both families hate each other. He also gives the couple great wisdom and tells them to not give up that their true love will help them through this rough journey. Friar Lawrence is a many of many words and many of his words are great advise and that’s why I think that this priest is a crucial character from Romeo and

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