Molly Grace Busby
Mrs. Taylor
PreAP English II
8 April 2014
The Effects of Fairy Tales on Romance
Fairy tales vs. reality in romance. Childhood stories of star crossed lovers meeting by change and being swept up in a heart pounding romance then immediately getting married and living happily ever after are obviously something anyone would long for but is it realistic in our day and age?
Fairy tales have been a part of our lives for as long we can remember and they have long lasting repercussions. These stories go as far back as the early 1600's when the stories of sleeping beauty began to surface ("Sleeping Beauty") As always the dominate theme in these tall tales is love. Nothing could make a story more interesting than a love affair between a knight and a fair maiden. Through the centuries, the art of telling stories has captivated listeners and readers as they developed and grew. The more you heard the more intrigued you became and by the end the story tell would have you sitting on the edge of your seat ready to jump up and scream at the exciting finale to come. Whether these legends ever actually happened or not doesn't even matter if it entertains you. Telling stories is a purely recreational act but it might have heavier consequences on our relationships in life that we never expected.
The affects of fairly tales on our lives are very underestimated and maybe even unconsciously acted out in our everyday challenges and experiences. In pretty much every single fairy tale ever told the main event in the story is falling in love. While Prince Charming may not have ever actually existed he surely did in every little girls heart who heard her parents tell of his heroic deeds and the dragons he slayed and most im...
... middle of paper ... displayed bravado; if you have an expectation of women to treat you like a king then you better treat her like a queen.
Our society has definitely drifted away from the way of the medieval world, in most circumstances this is good thing but in others it is a consequence of great magnitude which severely hinders our generations ability to experience love in the way that it should be. Now love is more likely to be something fretted over and avoided rather than enjoyed. With our knights in shining armor long immured, their swords long rusted and made unusable, our hopes for love are distant and seemingly defeated. Can love ever be restored onto its pedistole which it once resided?
The answer is yes, if we try long enough, love hard enough, and hope with all our might we may just be able to salvage love in one last heroic swing of the metaphorical sword.
Fairy tales connect to our owns lives, dreams, anxieties, and help us to consider what we would do in their shoes. Many cultures have their own spin on common fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty, with their own cultural flavor. We read those versions and know that we share something important and the hope for good to overcome evil.
Fairy tale is a story that features folkloric chapters and enchantments, often involving a far-fetching sequence of events. Fairy tales have been around for thousands of years, whether it comes from Grimm’s Fairy Tales which is what most people consider the “classic” or “traditional” fairy tales to Disney movies, the idea of the fairy tale fills our society with lessons and examples of how we should behave and live; fairy tales teach the same things in different ways, or teach different things with the same tale. A couple of these tales are “Beauty and the Beast”, by Jeanne-Marie Leprince De Beaumont and “The Pig King”, by Giovanni Francesco Straparola. They are both tales about falling in love with someone despite their appearance. The similarities and differences between “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Pig King” is captivating while still depicting a similar tale. They are similar in the way they find love and their love story but they also share a similar behavior pattern in the way the girls behave towards the prince. However, the two tales do display a difference in the attitudes of the princes and their actions towards their love
Everyone has foolishly deceived themselves when reading fairy tales. Morgenstern’s satire in The Princess Bride contradicts many fairy tale elements. Prince Charming is non-existent, true love is a made up concept, and nothing ends with a happily ever after.
The tale of Tristan, a tragic myth of doomed romantic affection, was one of the most influential romances of the Medieval Era. The story itself speaks closely to the success of adultery whether it may be influenced by a potion or not. Nonetheless, throughout the land, and the people met through vast adventures the one emotion that every person could relate to was love. Love as seen throughout Tristan stretched people to their furthest point in order to conquest what their heart truly desires. However, with that being said love, could also turn out to be doomed from the very start, but even then people will do anything to be with their true love.
The simplicity of fairy tales and non-specific details renders them ideal for manipulation allowing writers to add their own comments often reflecting social convention and ideology. Theref...
Everyone knows and loves the enchanting childhood fairytales of magic, princes, and princesses, but very seldom are privy to the detrimental impacts of “happily ever after” on the developing youth. Fairy tales are widely studied and criticized by parents and scholars alike for their underlying tone and message to children. Peggy Orenstein, feminist author, mother, and fairy tale critic, has made it her personal mission to bring these hidden messages to the surface. In the article, “What’s Wrong with Cinderella?” Orenstein dissects the seemingly innocent tale of love and magic, and the princess many know and love, and points out its flaws and dangers. Fairy tales, Cinderella in particular, are not suitable for children because upon deeper evaluation,
“Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds” (“William”). Like a newborn creature, love looks around and evaluates, planning its next move. Match the two lovers together so they can spend an eternity together; love’s only goal. Before love can match the two people together, it must evaluate the situation around it. Do they have the right chemistry? Well, if a person wants a family and the other doesn’t, then no. If one likes to camp and so does the other, then yes. There is only important question love must answer; does it change when times do? Some would say of course because everything changes as time passes. Others may say no due to the raw emotion that derives from love. Love comes from the heart and soul deep down inside oneself. No matter if in the 18th century or the 24th, love does not change.
We all grew up hoping that we were the princesses who met the dreamy prince and lived ‘happily ever after’ like in a fairytale.People debate over whether or not Disney fairytales are beneficial for children. Like Melissa Taylor the author of the piece ‘10 reasons why kids need to read non disney fairy tales’, I am against disneyfied fairy tales. In this essay I will argue on why kids should not only watch disney fairytales but also the real versions.
Fairy Tales have been around for generations and generations. Our parents have told us these stories and we will eventually pass them down to ours. In this time of age the most common fairytales are Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and The Beast and many more. Children idolize their favorite character and pretend to be them by mimicking everything they do in the stories. The character’s behavior is what is viewed as appropriate in society. These fairy tales show a girl and a boy fall in love and live “happily ever after”. The tales in many people’s eyes resemble a dream life that they would want to have of their own. However, have you ever really looked at what makes up a fairy tale? Many things are unrealistic but the most unflattering aspect of these tales is how women are depicted in them. Fairy tales give an unrealistic view to how women should look and behave in real life.
While fairy tales are entertaining stories and can be used to educate children of the normal social manners of reality; however, it can be used to entertain and educate people of all ages. It can be used as a method of escaping the real world or to teach valuable life lessons than just the normal social mannerisms of society.
The biological differences that set apart the male and female gender throughout any culture remain eminent. Men are perceived as the stronger and dominant gender; women play the role of the weaker. In each culture the expectation of the manner in which men and women behave are influenced by the ideals and customs of that culture. In most predominant cultures, the man undertakes the role as a leader, and the woman devotes her life to the husband. Throughout history, traditions and literature provide a template to the identities of various cultures. Sleeping Beauty’s classic tale of a beautiful princess takes a central precept that previous patriarchal archetypes dominated during the 17th Century. The archetypal perceptions of women resulted from conscious and unconscious literature influenced by male-dominated perspectives and social standards.
Fairy tales have been read to children for many years by parents hoping these tales of heroines and heroes would provide a fun and interesting way to teach moral and values. Fairy tales provide children with a fun and entertaining way to deal with strangers. Children learn that when you don’t follow the rule and talk to mysterious strangers you’re put into situation that can cause pain or suffering to others.
Through the years, the human race has managed to relate the history of events through storytelling. We humans have told stories of nonfiction and fiction, through pictures and words. For example, The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, have told countless stories of the fantasy persuasion. These brothers wrote such famous stories as Cinderella and Snow White, two classic tales whose impact has changed the idea of storytelling. As time went on, many of these stories have been changed and re-written to entice the various audiences. One of the more notable changes of these stories is the suave character that many would refer to as “Prince Charming.” The edited version of the prince has warped the minds of little girls everywhere. These fairy tales have over romanticized the idea of love and finding the perfect guy. If women go by the standards these stories have set, the probability of disappointment is high. As Lily Collins once said, “My advice for girls who are waiting for their Prince Charming is to be open for anything. Be open to new experiences, be open to the idea that it may take longer than you want, but if you're open to meeting new people and new adventures, then love will come along.” I agree with Lily Collins. We need to realize it is imperative to teach this idea that being open to new experiences. Being able to find true love comes through faith and new experiences. The modern day Prince Charming is not perfect by any means. We of the female persuasion need to realize Prince Charming may not be who we thought he was, and the sooner we realize this the better, so to reiterate that idea, we’ll look at the standards Prince Charming has been held to, anyone can be Prince Charming, why we can’t change him, and why i...
I am writing this paper because I was assigned to write it as a class project. Along the way I realized the importance of sharing the real meanings of all these stories. Stories are important because in the society we live in things are constantly changing. Fairytales change but the base of the story always remain the same no matter how many times it has been retold. It’s important to reveal the true meanings of these stories, even with its dark characteristics, because the world is dark .Children need to know that there are people that have told stories relatable to what they are going through. Fairytales help the development of children; it helps their maturity as they confront someone else’s tough situations, instilling hope of a more positive ou...
Normally, when one was a child, our parents would tell us fairy tales as bed time stories, or to simply entertain us. This is a worldwide tradition in which every parent tells their child the stories they were told when they were little, or new stories. There are infinite stories to be told as well as infinite stories that have already been written or told. The stories told by our parents have influenced us and still influence us in our beliefs and values today. Throughout our childhood, we have been told many stories that teach us to be brave and courageous, respect others, love ourselves and others, to obey orders, and even to help and