Fahrenheit 451 Character Analysis

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A world with no thought is a forgotten world, our thoughts keep us in a state of mind that gives us a reality check or a fantasy world of what we desire. In this world there is no personal thought. The number one resource for different points of view is books because the pages are like a blank canvas of creativity, in that society people burn the books. This book is about a man named Guy Montag, a curious firefighter who wants to know more. A fireman’s job is to burn books and get rid of all evidence. He starts to think why are books so bad for humanity? What would happen to Montag is he read one? This is where are brave journey begins. Guy Montag will show three characteristics through each paragraph and they are confused, anger, and bravery.
Montag didn't have a care in the world, the world around him …show more content…

She opened his eyes on the some of the simplest things. She made him realize that “(he) was not happy,” she showed him that “(he) wore his happiness like a mask” (12). Clarisse’s question revealed that Montag was not happy and now he is completely confused on how he functions in society. This is where his curiosity on books starts because we wants to see if books can make him happy and experience more. Moving on through the book Montag starts to become more frustrated and with the society that he lives in. He starts to become more angry with the burning of the books. One moment of his anger was a at a little tea party mildred was having for her friends when montag decides to read beautiful poetry. As he read it all the ladies started crying, that made the ladies think that this poetry was bad

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