Extra Credit 2

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Each year the government passes a budget by a certain deadline to continue existing. The deadline for this year was midnight on September 30, 2013. The budget goes in place beginning on October 1 and ending on September 30 of the next year. This year some Republicans (Tea Partiers) in Congress refused to pass a budget unless Obamacare is delayed. The government shutdown lasted sixteen days, reopening on October 17, 2013 shortly after midnight. Several media outlets have covered the shutdown but it was covered in many different ways particularly due to the types of media: broadcast, print, and internet. Broadcast media, specifically television, had several different reactions to the end of the shutdown. News stations such as MSNBC, Fox News, and PBS: The News Hour had very straight forward approaches to the issue. Each station brought in experts to help their viewers better understand the impact that the shutdown had on us. They did not sugar coat anything, instead they presented the facts as honestly as possible. I would love to say that did not have an effect on their viewer’s opin...

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