External Evidence In The Bible Essay

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The Bible is always be questioned on whether it is true and how can it be proved. There are generally two types of evidences, External Evidence and Internal Evidence. We will take a look at the external evidences first. Christians have argued for the truth of Scripture on the basis of external evidence. For example, archaeological discoveries have confirmed several events found in the Bible. The excavation of Jericho reveals that the walls of Jericho did indeed fall as described in the book of Joshua. Some passages of the Bible which critics once claimed were merely myth have been confirmed archeologically. For example, the five cities of the plain described in Genesis 14:2 were once thought by secular scholars to be mythical, but ancient …show more content…

In Isaiah 40:22 we read about the spreading out of the heavens . Yet secular scientists did not discover such expansion until the 1920s. The spherical nature of the earth and the fact that the earth hangs in space are suggested in Scriptures such as Job 26:10 and Job 26:7 respectively. The book of Job is thought to have been written around 2000 BC, long before the nature of our planet was generally known. Such evidence is certainly consistent with the claim that the Bible is inspired by God. Some people find such evidence convincing. Yet, persons who tenaciously resist the idea that the Bible is the Word of God have offered their counterarguments to these examples. They have suggested that the predictive prophetic passages were written after the fact, much later than the text itself would indicate. Many of the apparent scientific insights in the Bible are chalked up to coincidence. There is something inappropriate about using secular science to judge the claims of the Bible. As with archeological claims, what constitutes a scientific fact is often subject to the bias of the interpreter. Some people would claim that evolution is a scientific fact. Although creationists would disagree, we must concede that what some people think is good science does not always coincide with the

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