Exploring the Ideas of Stanislavski's System

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Exploring the Ideas of Stanislavski's System

There are many ways we can use Stanislavski’s system when preparing

for a role as an actor. We can use ‘imagination’, ‘emotion memory’,

and we can split the play into ‘units and objectives’.

Stanislavski believed that “every movement you make, every word you

speak … is the result of your imagination.” Using ‘imagination’ makes

the role that the actor has to undertake more convincing. Stanislavski

believed that there were three types of imagination: actors who can

take the iniative to invoke their own imagination, actors who can be

easily aroused by the director and then people who just do not respond

at all. The easier it is for the actor to use their ‘imagination’, the

richer their characterizations will be when preparing for and acting a

role. The ‘imagination’ should be focused and based on observations

the actor has made so it will not wonder and become unrealistic. The

‘imagination’ fills in the blanks that the author has missed and so

they need to be very precise and use their ‘imagination’ to provide

extra detail to what has happened to the character not only on stage,

but before and after as well. This helps the actor to go on an

‘imaginative journey’, everything must be logical so that the acting

still seems real.

Stanislavski believed a play needed to be broken down into ‘units and

objectives’ so that the actor could better understand and interpret a

play. The ‘large units’ or ‘main episodes’ are identified and are then

broken down into ‘smaller units’, which makes the play more

manageable. The ‘units’ can be broken down into physical and mental

units. Each ‘unit’ is then given an ‘objective’. The ‘objective’ is

always a verb, and is also the core of each unit or what the unit

cannot be without or it will not make sense. The ‘objective’ should

always be truthful, so the actor can understand their main aim. It

should also focus on the character rather than the performance

conditions so that the actor knows how to perform rather than where

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