Explain Why The Children Will Not Meet Boo Radley

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I predict that the the kids will not meet Boo Radley. In the story, Boo is locked away and never to be seen. Boo does not come out of the house at all. Also, Boo’s parents keep him in the house. The Radley house is a dark and gloomy place. The doors are always shut and the shutters are only open on Sundays. The Radley house has no screen doors Another reason the kids will not meet Boo is because everyone is scared of Boo Radley. The people in the community refer to Boo Radley as a “malevolent phantom.” No one dares to go near the Radley house and try to avoid it anytime that they can. Some people walk long ways to avoid walking by the Radley house. One summer Jem is dared by Dill to run up and touch the house, which can make the reader infer

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