Explain The Successes And Failures Of The French Revolution

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The Failures & Successes of The French Revolution
The French Revolution has many successes and many failures. Failures such as The Reign of Terror which was run by Maximilian Robespierre. Also, successes such as giving citizens a taste of liberty, equality, and power. This topic is important because it shows how if one place can accomplish one thing [America], it can influence and motivate other places [France] to want a revolution and want to be equal. They failed in a matter that they could not get rid of a monarch because they got an emperor right after. They succeeded in which they created a revolution and got what they wanted and became a republic.
It all started with King Louis XVI. He reigned from 1789 to 1793. He called the estates general to order, which was a meeting of the clergy, nobles, and the commoners. Rumors about …show more content…

It was passed by France's National Constitutional Assembly in August 1789. It was a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human and civil rights. It gave citizens their natural right they deserved. “The Declaration proclaims that all citizens are to be guaranteed the rights of liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.” (humanrights.com) The declaration had a major impact on the development of liberty and democracy in Europe and worldwide.
In conclusion, the French Revolution seemed to be a failure in 1799. With everything going on such as the Reign of Terror, everything going on with the monarchs and the emperors, it all had a huge impact on the revolution. Not only were there downfalls, but there were some up rises in the end referring to the Declaration of the Rights of man and Citizen. While there was many different opinions and interpretations on the French Revolution, mostly everyone agrees, that it had an extraordinary influence on the making of the modern

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