Exit Through The Gift Shop Analysis

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Media’s Role in Exploiting and Exaggerating Simple Random Acts As seen in the film Exit Through the Gift Shop the media sometimes will take simple acts that were designed for a small audience and randomly present the same acts to a much larger audience and possibly with a new perspective than anticipated. An example from the film is when Banksy wrote a simple one sentence reply to Thierry who then put that sentence on the side of a building. A few examples of this are: when a little boy ate his Poptart into the shape of a gun and was suspended for it, Alex from Target did nothing but his job and now he’s famous, and a fraternity made a sign for school spirit was accused of racism against Native Americans. An example from the film is when Banksy …show more content…

Josh Welch ate his Poptart-like pastry into a shape that resembled a gun and was suspended for two days. Then the media came in and took a story that should have stayed between the family and the school’s administration and publicized it for the whole world to see. A girl went to Target and purchased some goods and while checking out, she snapped a questionable photo of a decent looking teenager and posted it on a social media site stating he was cute. There is no reasonable explanation of how so many people retweeted it and started following him on twitter, but now he’s famous. A picture that was posted for a girl and her followers to view was made visible for all of the internet’s inhabitants to see. A fraternity was showing some strong school spirit for their college and made a sign instructing the viewers to “Gut the Gophers” and had an image on the sign that resembles a Native American chief that has utensils in hand and a gopher on a plate. Instead of people seeing the sign as a demonstration of school spirit they focused on the fact that the “gopher gutter” was a Native American. The fraternity now faces accusation of racism against Native Americans. Then the media shows the sign to all of the internet again when the sign normally would be seen only by the attendees of whatever events the sign was displayed

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