Existentialism In Response To The Truman Show And Plato's Cave

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“We accept the reality in which we are presented”
In response to “The Truman Show” and “Plato’s Cave”

Truman realizes the truth about what is real when he endeavours to discover what is beyond the world he lives in. Likewise, this idea is illustrated in Plato’s analogy of the cave. In the analogy, prisoners are chained to a wall, facing one direction and stripped of any other dimension or perspective. They perceive shadows on the wall of the cave, as they have done for all of their lives, that is all they know. They believe that these shadows are real and all that there is to reality for that is all they know, that reality is their truth. One prisoner breaks free from his bonds and notices that the shadows are mere imitations of the reality, but not the multi-dimensional reality itself. He sees that the shadows were caused by puppets behind him, and upon leaving the cave, sees the real things, which these shadow-causing puppets were meant to represent. The prisoner’s perspective of the world has now accepted new truths. But what meaning is now weaved into the prisoner’s perspect...

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