Exemplification Essay: Do Government Assistance Programs Deserve It?

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Over 48 million people, or about 15 percent of America’s population, live in poverty (Gillespie). This is the blunt reality of the society we live in. These people can barely pay for their housing, electricity, heat or even their food. Although people immediately imagine a homeless person as living in poverty, in reality, anyone could be living in poverty and have it not be too obvious to the world. Often, these people will qualify for government assistance programs such as welfare or food stamps, however this rises up a very important question. Does everyone who applies for government assistive programs deserve it? Simply put, no. Many times, the government will grant someone assistance mainly based off their income without consideration of …show more content…

Sure, people want to survive, but people also want objects. These objects, such as the newest iPhone, gaming systems, workout gear, cars and much more, have one thing in common; they cost money. In order to buy these materialistic goods, one must first obtain the money for them by working a job. This is what keeps the economy running. Now, when one doesn’t have enough money for the simplest of goods, such as food and electricity, they can apply to the government for assistance. In the short term, there is nothing wrong with this, however, many people take advantage of these programs for the long run. According to Rector and Bradley, half of the aid given by food stamps go to families who have already reaped the benefits of assistance for eight and a half years or more. That’s almost twelve percent of a lifetime for many people. It’s highly unlikely that over those eight and a half years there have been absolutely no job openings available to those people which only leave one explanation. These people who live their life depending on food stamps and other government assistance programs eventually lose motivation to contribute to the workforce because money is automatically thrown at them by the

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