Examples Of Sexism In Paradise Lost

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Damnation: Sexism in Paradise Lost Everyone knows the stereotype of how women belong in the kitchen, while the men go to work and come home to a finished meal. Labeling which gender belongs to what job to be done throughout the day can be viewed as sexist. Although this is not necessarily how society is today, sexism still exists. Sexism can be described as someone who is being judgmental or hateful towards another based on that individual’s sex or gender. In most stories, the reader will find an underlying message or theme occurring in the text: ranging from a life lesson to a person’s opinion on a certain matter. Through the story, the reader can get an insight on the author’s beliefs. In Paradise Lost by John Milton, there are multiple examples of sexism displayed through the character of Eve. Milton’s sexist attitude towards women was portrayed through Eve by his descriptive detailing on how beautiful she was, and well, that was about as complex as she was. She was characterized in such a way that the …show more content…

At one point in the story, Eve strolls through the Garden of Eden and stops to stare at her reflection in the water. As explained in the text, she is suddenly smitten by her own beauty. Milton consistently reminds the reader throughout the story of Eve’s lovely qualities, and uses this as her biggest weakness. For example, Eve is taken advantage of by Satan while walking through the Garden of Eden all by her lonesome. The story explains how Satan was delighted to see Eve was by herself, practically inferring that she is an easy target when she is not with Adam. Satan, in the form of a serpent, tells Eve: “…fair angelic Eve, partake thou also; happie though thou art, happier thou may'st be, worthier canst not be. Taste this, and be henceforth among the gods thyself a goddess, not to Earth confined” (Milton,

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