Examples Of Persuasive Essay On Macbeth

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The Tragedy Of Macbeth Persuasive Essay
In an old TV show, comedian Flip Wilson always said, “The devil made me do it.”
Macbeth went one better and said,“The dagger made me do it!” The facts are that both of these 1 men are responsible for the decisions that they make. Macbeth chose who to listen to. He chose what advice he wanted to hear instead of seeking advice that he needed to hear. He chose what actions he would take, but as with the rest of us, he did not get to choose the consequences of his actions. Every person reaps what he sows. Macbeth had a choice throughout the play to choose his own fate, and that is what he did. He killed others, but his own fate was death. Macbeth was not a pawn of fate having no choice over his actions, but he acted of his own free will following …show more content…

He chose to talk with the three witches who told him things that filled his mind with a sense of power that was impossible to have. What they told him appealed to desires he already possessed. He ultimately wanted to become king. He chose to believe what the witches said and did not use common sense. In other words, he believed lies! He even believed he was indestructible. He showed no loyalty to his friend King Duncan and killed him.
As he was walking to commit his first murder, he spoke to the ground. “Hard ground, don’t listen to the direction of my steps. I don’t want you to echo back where I am, and break the terrible stillness of this moment, a silence that is so appropriate for what I am about to do.” It is 2 obvious he is choosing to kill Duncan, but now he is blaming the bell. “I’m going now. The murder is as good as done. The bell is telling me to do it.” He chose to do this because he 3 wanted to be king.
1 Act 2.1.44-45
2 Act 2.1.55
3 Act 2.1:56
Macbeth is a paranoid sociopathic murderer, he is very easily deceived and

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