Essay On Macbeth Is A Victim Of Fate In Macbeth

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Macbeth is not a victim of fate, but he is a victim of his own choices and the power of suggestion. Macbeth on multiple occasions chooses evil over good, and these decisions lead to his circumstances. Macbeth is not a victim of fate, but an ambitious man who makes poor decisions that have terrible results for him. Macbeth’s decision that had the greatest impact on his life was his choice to murder Duncan. He makes this decision entirely on his own. Macbeth already was hoping something would happen to Duncan as soon as he names Malcom as the Prince of Cumberland (1.4.48-53). He is already thinking about the possibility of taking the throne by some form of intervention. Macbeth knows that when Malcom was named as the heir that he will not become king, but he decides to intervene without anyone convincing him to kill the king (1.4.48-50). It can be known that Macbeth was already high in the …show more content…

Macbeth knows from even before he kills Duncan that Banquo’s loyalty lies with Duncan (2.1.26-28). Banquo suspects that Macbeth killed Duncan. (3. 1.1-4). Banquo suspicions of Macbeth seem to show later in the scene in lines 15-18. He says he is bound to serve the king, but this line in much colder than the interactions between Macbeth and Banquo in Acts One and Two. This possibly tipped Macbeth off to the fact that Banquo was doubting his loyalties. Also, Macbeth knows of the witches’ prophecy to Banquo that his descendants will be kings. (1.3.65-68). Macbeth fears that everything he has done will go to Banquo’s heirs even due to the fact Macbeth does not have children and the possibility of what the witches said coming true (3.1.63-64). Macbeth fears for his throne due to this prophecy and Banquo’s questionable loyalties. He decides he needs kill Banquo to ensure that he has absolute security in his throne and not allow Banquo’s heirs to inherit the throne without any

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