Examples Of Persuasive Essay Against Lady Macbeth

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Macbeth should be against Lady Macbeth because Lady Macbeth wants to murder King Duncan and Lady Macbeth lures Macbeth to agree to murder the king and have high hopes for her. Lady Macbeth risks this opportunity, so she could gain wealth and power with Macbeth as being king and queen of Cawdor. Towards the end, the actions she made, lead to her downfall and started to regret the decisions she made with the help of Macbeth.

In the poem, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth in the beginning had her own power hungry ambitions to gain wealth and power, and she knew if she kills King Duncan, then they would take the spot of the throne with Macbeth. At first, he thought it didn't sound like a good idea, and Lady Macbeth was doing everything she could to make it easy for Macbeth, but he was afraid to commit something too selfish. Lady Macbeth described his fear and told him, “I dare not wait upon I would like the poor cat I the adage”, since Macbeth thought that her greed was making her very desperate to be queen. What Macbeth should’ve told her was to convince to her to come up with a different plan, because killing everybody to gain wealth and power to be rulers of …show more content…

After Duncan's murder, Macbeth starts to regret what he committed, but that didn't stopped him to murder more people since Lady Macbeth got him more into the whole killing bid. Later in the poem, Macbeth spoke with three witches and demanded them to make it easy for macbeth to kill banquo, and fleance. After speaking with the witches, he writes a letter to Lady macbeth of the possibility to become king and queen together. But after she read the letter her best guess to become rulers was to commit a crazy act to kill the king. If macbeth didn’t speak with witches to create prophecies, then he could’ve had a better survival of doing it himself, because the witches set him up by setting different traps to make situations and task difficult and

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