Examples Of Minimalism In The Rain By Raymond Carver

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Carver opens the story by telling the readers of the turning season and the snow melting into dirty water. The change in climate serves as a symbol of the couple’s relationship; their once beautiful life together has turned to something ugly and toxic. Their once pure and happy family is now corrupted with hatred and pride. The changing of season is just a mere factor exemplifying that life carries on, couples fall in love and would later fall out of love too.

By omitting any backstory for the characters, Craver has emphasized their roles as general archetypes; the man and the woman could be anyone, they are everyone. The lack of description forces readers to have an open mind and an unbiased opinion towards the circumstances. Therefore the reader is unable to relate or feel attached towards the characters; we don’t have a yet understanding. We are unable to retain any information about what’s happening therefore we judge whether who should keep the child, we are unable to play the role of the wise king Solomon.

Carver’s uses of minimalism were most identifiable through creating his characters without names or faces, excluding the cause of the conflict and details or descriptions …show more content…

In our interpretation of the story, “the issue was decided” meant the baby is dead. This notion was created due to the fact that both parents used their sheer force and pulled the baby towards them at the same time—treating their own child like a ragdoll. The inevitable tragedy was even foreshadowed with the flowerpot being knocked down in the middle of the couple’s fight; this simply shows that both parents are taking no precaution on keeping their child safe, and something bad will unavoidably happen. Thus, when the issue was finally decided this only meant the baby is dead and so was the couple’s

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