Examples Of Maturity In Romeo And Juliet

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Option #1
Mrs. Podoll
Throughout the entire play Romeo and Juliet act like impulsive children, though there are moments where they show a bit of maturity. For their ages, wouldn’t they have more maturity and less childish? Juliet is 13 and Romeo is 16. At least Romeo should have SOME maturity level. Juliet is still maturing and she just became a teen. A 5-year-old could be more mature then they are.
When the play first starts, Romeo is hungover a girl that doesn’t want him and he is being a little baby. He continues to be a big baby until he meets Juliet, when he meets Juliet he acts like a kid that just was given a cookie. For Juliet, when you first see her, she is getting ready for the masquerade party and acts a little more grown up at that moment. However, when she meets Romeo she acts like a child that was just given a new puppy, then told to leave it alone.
In the middle of the play, both Romeo and Juliet were acting mature, they had gotten married at the church, a few …show more content…

Romeo was in Mantua due to his banishment, and Juliet was in Verona. Juliet was being forced to marry Paris, a guy she did not like, but instead she goes to Friar Lawrence to ask him for help. He gives her a potion that makes her seem dead, and she takes it. Her father then moved up the marriage date to the very next day. Juliet then takes the potion that very night. In the morning everyone thinks she is dead and Benvolio goes to tell Romeo. When Romeo finds out he goes to the apothecary and gets poison, he then goes back to Verona to see Juliet one last time. When he gets there, he is already acting like a child, he then must fight Paris and ends up slaying him. Romeo then goes over to Juliet and drinks the poison, which was probably one of the most childish things he could’ve done. as Romeo dies, Juliet awakes to see her lover dead next to her. She then starts crying again, takes Romeo’s dagger and stabs

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