Examples Of Lies In Leaving The Atocha Station

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If you have ever imagined exchanging the life you have for the life you have always dreamed of having, at some point, you may have lied to someone or even pretended to be someone who actually you are not. What is a lie? Why has lying become such an essential part of our everyday life? Do we really need to lie? Why do people appear to be something they are not? Does it make them feel better about themselves or does it make them have something to hide behind? People have been trying to find answers to all these questions for many years. However, having not found truth, people continue to lie day after day and pretend to be others. Today’s society has drastically changed from being the honest, full-hearted, loving people to being people who …show more content…

Manipulation in lies are typically motivated by a desire to get other people to either do something or not to do something, or to make a decision that favors the person doing the lying. Someone might lie to get something they desire such as status, power, love, especially when manipulating people’s feelings. In Leaving the Atocha Station we see that most of the time Adam lies to capture the attention of all surrounding people, especially his friends Teresa and Isabella. In the first part of the book, we are witnessing how Adam’s lie can be so insane. “ ‘Tell me’, she said and started to do thing with my hair again and I thought she could see the wetness on my cheeks and I said, I was shocked to hear myself say: ‘My mother died’ ” (29). As a result of his lie, Teresa felt compassion for him. But after a while, when Adam says the truth about his lie to Teresa, she has distinguished that Adam lied to her to get an attention. “ ‘I told you my mom was dead, but my mom is alive,’ I said. ‘Oh. I had assumed,’ she said, smiling, ‘that you were just drunk and high and homesick and wanted some attention’ ” (84). There are many other scenes that appear in the novel where Adam is very good at lying. He lies because he tries to control a situation and exert influence of getting the decisions or reactions he wants. Since manipulative people have mastered the art of deception, they may appear respectable and sincere, but often that is just a facade. It is a way to draw people in and catch them in a relationship before they show their true

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