Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Injustice In the world today there is a say that is widely used and go something like this, “Life just has not been fair to me.” No one in To Kill a Mockingbird written by Harper Lee understands this more then Tom Robinson who had his act of kindness stab him in the back. Humans act in many different ways when being unfairly treated, some act in shock while others act in anger or frustration. In Tom Robinson’s case the result of his mistreatment sadly moved him to suicide. People who I feel like were treated unjustly in this book are Scout, Atticus, and Tom Robinson. First off Scout was treated unjustly because people thought what her father did was wrong. She was teased and call names almost nonstop it seemed. For example, the kids at school took every opportunity they got to tease or calling her names. One such time she had had enough and taught her bullies a lesson that left a mark. Also it was not just from the kids at school that …show more content…

Even someone like Jem could clearly see that his father was winning, for it says, Jem whispered, “and we’re gonna win, Scout. I don’t see how we can’t. He’s been at it ‘bout five minutes. He made it as plain and easy as—well, as I’da explained it to you. (page 206) Even though the case may have been plain as day to kids Jems age it was difficult for white people to believe that a niger was right. Additionally, after the court case when Tom was put into jail for his “crime” he did not enjoy it at all and lost all hope of ever getting out. He decided that we would rather die than stay his prison, so he took a chance and tried to escape, but he did not make it, and he was shot not once not twice but 17 times! One shot or two shots could have killed him but they treated him like an animal but shooting him without

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