The Theme Of Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In “To Kill A Mockingbird,” by Harper Lee, was written during a time period of racism and extreme financial difficulties. This novel portrays a theme of the loss of innocence. Overtime, a person's innocence is influenced by their experiences. Characters like Scout, Jem, and Dill went through a lot during the book and they learned quite a few lessons.
Scout’s loss of innocence was influenced by her knowledge of reading. During her first days of school, she was punished for her intelligence. The new teacher introduced a new way of teaching called the Dewey Decimal System. She shouldn't have been punished for being gifted. Another lesson, Scout learned during her first week of school was how to properly treat a visitor. Walter Cunningham visited …show more content…

He was starting to understand the adult world and his father's career. He felt that his father was going to win the case on account of the evidence presented to the judge and jury justifies that Tom was guilty. In the eyes of the jury, Tom was guilty due to the color of his skin. Jem learned that not everyone is the world is as sympathetic as they think they are. Jem’s father, Atticus said, “ There is a lot of ugly things in the world, son. I wish I could keep them away from you. That's never possible.” Jem knew that his father was an outstanding man for defending a colored man. Even though his father was unable to win the case, he knew it wasn't the end to all the injustice in the world that he lives in. Dill lost his innocence during Tom Robinson’s case. He starts to cry during the direct examination of Tom by Mr. Gilmer who was the plaintiff. Dill felt that he was being a little too harsh on Tom. The questions that he was asking was too much for Dill to handle. He learned his lesson from a man by the name of that taught him that nothing was different with Tom only the color of his skin. He learned that racism was normal and that it was not going to end any time soon. The people in the town was prejudice and nothing was going to stop them from thinking the way they

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